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  1. B

    the 2003 Vmax - Comfortable for long rides? Worth $4500?

    Is it a bad thing that I don't know what THUNDER is? I'm assuming it's a "lets all get together and ride" type of thing though. Unless you're expecting me to literally be riding my bike near actual audible thunder, at all times, until I see you?
  2. B

    the 2003 Vmax - Comfortable for long rides? Worth $4500?

    Hey, thanks for all the positive comments everyone. For $3,300 I figured it can't be the wrong choice at this time. Here's a couple more pictures of it. Now, will one of you please lead me to a 2009 mint condition Vmax for $5,000? Haha.
  3. B

    the 2003 Vmax - Comfortable for long rides? Worth $4500?

    OK so you're all going to laugh at me, because I ended up buying a 2006 Suzuki Boulevard 800cc. Took a picture of it below for you. It is in mint condition with 2900 miles on it. Couldn't pass it up for $3,300 WITH windshield, WITH saddle bags, WITH sissy bar and luggage case, new tires. Shaft...
  4. B

    the 2003 Vmax - Comfortable for long rides? Worth $4500?

    Went and saw it. Rode it. Didn't buy it. Told him I needed to think about it. It was "custom" painted by him in what he called flat black, but it was a black with a green in it, kinda like army camo is the best I could describe it. He said it always takes 5-10 minutes to warm up and be ready to...
  5. B

    the 2003 Vmax - Comfortable for long rides? Worth $4500?

    One more picture to help you ... help me. Thanks!
  6. B

    the 2003 Vmax - Comfortable for long rides? Worth $4500?

    Thanks very much man! That helps A LOT. I had the 1993 and it was great for me then, 10 years ago when I wanted crazy power and straight speed, and a flashy look. But now, I'm more interested in putting around town and casually in the countryside, half the time with my wife on back. I'm just...
  7. B

    the 2003 Vmax - Comfortable for long rides? Worth $4500?

    One more thing. 10 years ago I owned a 1993 Vmax for a year. In your valued opinion, what would you say are the BIG differences between a 1993 and a 2003 Vmax?
  8. B

    the 2003 Vmax - Comfortable for long rides? Worth $4500?

    Hi everyone! Just joined this forum. In 18 hours I'm supposed to go buy a 2003 Vmax but I don't know much about them! I have some questions I hope you can shed light on? 1. What year did "Gen 2" start? (I'm assuming a 2003 is NOT a Gen2) 2. I read that the Vmax is not comfortable for long...