Hi everyone. Stoopid question from a Vmax noob. I'd send Sean another email, but he's probably had enough already, so I'll ask here instead (at least that way it's 50/50 that he will be patient and polite!)
And thanks Sean, for the email reply's.:clapping:
I've seen the picture of the Venture clusters, but have no idea what I'm looking at, sorry. My '87 jumps out of 2nd, but only occasionally, don't care, bought it anyway, will fix myself. I 1st thought do it all at once, back-cut the lot, no jumping, nice and new and smooth. But after reading the threads one of the racers (the NASTY slick one.....) says don't back-cut due to weakening.
Do I back-cut?
Is the Venture cluster a drop-in?
Is the Venture cluster stronger than the std '87 Vmax?
Is it true I can roll the motor onto it's head, then pull off all plates, etc, then replace the cluster/gears/selector's easier, without taking off the top end?
Has anyone used the Factory Pro "shifter STARS" on their Vmax, are they an improvement, are they stronger?
Sorry bout all the qusestions at once, but by the time you read it I'll be in bed, and vice-versa.
Eventually the drivetrain will have to take about 150+ weight-shifted horsepower, with either a soft Lock-Up or autoclutch, so might as well do it only once.:moped: