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    looking for th thread that shows detailed stock exhaust mod

    As some of you know I just bought my 2007 VMAX, it has some really nice UFO exhaust on it but for a 53 year old a bit loud. I'm working on a trade with several people who have shown interest. I plan to take it out for a short ride and se if it seems as loud as it did on the 622 mile ride...
  2. Maxedout

    Need detailed instructions on carb mixture

    Many of the threads reference jetting and O-rings and such. I just need flat out step by step instructions on how to set my carbs which are too rich. What direction is lean vs. rich. How many turns etc. 2007 Vmax 3000 miles
  3. Maxedout

    I need detailed instructions on how to bleed the clutch

    The manual is vague. Right now I have a 1200 lbs paperweight in the garage begging to be towed. Can someone give it to me in the terminolgy and steps a monkey culd understand? Thx in advance.