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    Reskin the corbin part dos

    JUST picked up my Corbin from getting new vinyl skin and extra cushion after almost biding via ebay on a good cond oem Vmax seat front and rear. So glad the majority of you guys chimed in and "voted" for a Corbin Reskin. If it can stay untorn and firm like the way it is now for at least 3 years...
  2. Shuriken

    Built a DOS 6.22/W3.11 pc out of a PIII 550 today...

    Oh... the memories.... Windows 3.11 loads in about 2 seconds on this PIII 550. Dug out all the old DOS games, DoomCAD, etc..... trip down memory lane... AND, ...... I can access my thumb drives through DOS also... now that's cool....