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  1. L

    Cobra Exhaust Tuning Set-Up Experiences Please

    G`day All from Australia, attached a pic of my bike for anyone interested.... Firstly, all the evidence points to losing 10Hp with the VMax & Cobras combo... I get that, so, moving on..... I like the look and the sound and would like to persevere with them regardless..... Anybody like to share...
  2. L

    Cobra Exhaust Tuning Set Up Experiences Please

    G`day All from Australia, attached a pic of my bike for anyone interested.... Firstly, all the evidence points to losing 10Hp with the VMax & Cobras combo... I get that, so, moving on..... I like the look and the sound and would like to persevere with them regardless..... Anybody like to share...
  3. L

    Cobra Exhaust Tuning Set Up Experiences Please

    G`day All from Australia, attached a pic of my bike for anyone interested.... Firstly, all the evidence points to losing 10Hp with the VMax & Cobras combo... I get that, so, moving on..... I like the look and the sound and would like to persevere with them regardless..... Anybody like to...
  4. max_caper

    Looking for signals/indicators!

    Not sure if this request is thread-specific but I'd appreciate feedback about vendors from whom to purchase a set of LED directionals and tail/stop lamps. Blaine Williams Oshawa, Ontario
  5. 4gasem

    Good Vmax vendor experiences...

    Hey all, As the title states... All stories of your experiences should be of a positive nature in this thread... Well I actually have one...:surprise: :thumbs up: As many of you know I have been trying to get my Max back on the road due to some rear wheel issues. I finally broke down and...
  6. 4gasem

    Bad Vmax vendor experiences...

    This is a thread of all your bad experiences you've had with Vmax parts vendors. Post them up. This thread is ONLY meant to let people know what they can expect when dealing with a person. Here's my story... Why not to give U.F.O. any of your money... I was asked to write this story by...
  7. red98vmax

    Sudden flat tire experiences

    How many of you have had sudden flat tires (front or rear). How fast were you going and how bad is it to steer and get to a stop, right side up? Steve Hinds vmoa#4352