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  1. SpecOps13

    2nd Amendment Rights in Danger Again

    Stop Legislation: https://act.nraila.org/default.aspx?mapstate=#idma Check out the map for more state information on Carry: Click on your state for more info: https://www.nraila.org/gun-laws/
  2. blaxmax

    2nd Amendment Rights

    https://www.yahoo.com/news/court-no-carry-concealed-weapons-public-175139817.html I'm glad i have my license.
  3. SpecOps13

    2nd Amendment Rights

    Here are the Dangers: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/435311/hillary-gun-rights-she-wants-abolish-second-amendment https://www.nraila.org/articles/20160429/hillary-clinton-to-attack-gun-owners-her-very-first-day-in-office...
  4. Fire-medic

    Marching for rights in Miami

    Here's a protest march for worker's rights in Miami. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/downtown-miami/article75038522.html
  5. Bill Seward

    Bragging Rights..

    Still going strong....
  6. S

    U S Gun Ownership Rights Poll

    Happen to get this in an email this eve. Dunno how old or new it is. It will let you vote. Seen the big 'supreme' (becoming an anemic word in the judicial system) judge thinks we constitutionally shouldn't have personal weapons. Come and get 'em old man, one piece at a time.:biglaugh...
  7. R

    Power Cruiser Bragging Rights

    Hello you all, has anyone run up against a ZX-14 or Hayabusa with there Gen 2 VMAX in the quarter mile? I would think the VMAX would come out on top. Raw acceleration rules and the VMAX has plenty of that. :punk: