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  1. SpecOps13

    A Re-Salute to U.S. Vets. No Words Needed

  2. KJShover

    too messed up for words.

    This young woman has more guts and heart than most. http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20120720/NEWS01/307200106/Sexual-assault-victim-s-tweets-about-attackers-prompt-contempt-case-against-Louisville-s-Savannah-Dietrich?nclick_check=1
  3. VmaxingPauly

    Pictures are not worth a 1000 words

    http://reno.craigslist.org/mcy/1961735095.html Do not waste your time w/ this bike. I drove over 460 miles one way yesterday to see this bike - His ad for the bike is not forth coming. Bike has CANCER spots all over the bike. He is second owner - He claims Stage 7 set-up. Installed at sea...
  4. vmaxride06

    99 words for boobs. Awesome

  5. KJShover

    good words for the Vmax

    Good words and a walk down memory lane. I remember being 16 when the Vmax and a few of the other bikes were competing. I thought this was a pretty cool site to find. "The only true "80's Bike" that is still in production in its original configuration is the mighty V-max. I could say a lot...