Recent content by CaptainKyle

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  1. CaptainKyle

    Rebuild DvDS

    I just got off the phone with him he us recovering from a knee replacement. He said to send him an email again and he will get you fixed up as soon as possible. [email protected]
  2. CaptainKyle

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Had to sneak in between the flames and fix and fix another 07 cover. It had a scratch on the side to. It's all good now with 3 coats of clear on the top.
  3. CaptainKyle

    Rebuild DvDS

    I will give him a call and see if he still has them.
  4. CaptainKyle


  5. CaptainKyle


    Welcome ! Hopefully you can find one soon
  6. CaptainKyle

    Introducing myself

    Welcome ! I shoukd have some good used solenoids around here.
  7. CaptainKyle

    Parts For Sale Gen 1 speedometer

    What kind of mileage you looking for or does it matter ?
  8. CaptainKyle

    Parts For Sale Gen 1 speedometer

    Not this one but I should have another one
  9. CaptainKyle

    New owner of a 1200 !

  10. CaptainKyle

    New Member!

    Welcome ! I keep a good many used parts on hand. [email protected]
  11. CaptainKyle

    Clutch slippage gen 1

    Nothing a matter with the Barnett pressure plate but the Yamaha friction plates are actually better.
  12. CaptainKyle

    Clutch slippage gen 1

  13. CaptainKyle

    4 into 1 Advice

    Marks quit making them last year
  14. CaptainKyle

    4 into 1 Advice

    Just go with the look you like there is very little horsepower difference between any full exhaust made