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    • D
      DA4MAX reacted to VMAXer's post in the thread First post with Like Like.
      Welcome to the forum.
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      DA4MAX reacted to Fire-medic's post in the thread First post with Like Like.
      Be sure and do the VBoost round electrical plug disconnect when the key is turned on and the VBoost stepper motor opens the butterflies...
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      DA4MAX replied to the thread First post.
      Thanks for the peptalk sometimes you need one! I am retired LA County fire, maybe see on the road sometime!
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      DA4MAX reacted to Traumahawk's post in the thread First post with Like Like.
      81 is not too old. If you want one, and can still ride, get one. They are an amazing bike.
    • D
      DA4MAX posted the thread First post in Introduction Forum.
      Thanks for the join. How about one or two of every other kind of bike but not a Vmax… getting kind of old at 81 but still would like to...
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