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  1. g2501

    open header with original muffler... is it possible?

    there are places ( like Italy ) where laws proihibited some of the most useful and beneficial upgrade to the max. The 17" rims conversion , or the larger tires are just few of them. One of the most annoying , anyway, is the exhaust or the muffler upgrade. It is impossible to use any muffler or...
  2. g2501

    rear brake caliper swap

    Hi everybody, some months ago I swapped the original rear disk with a Galfer inthe same diameter of the original one. I would like to change also the caliper with some aftermarket caliper , but I'm struggling to find one for the original disk. I only found a conversion kit to upgrade both the...
  3. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    ok, first ride made. everything is back to "normal" . I've focused my attention to high RPM, and now I have no sign of hesitation . from 5000 to 9000 the bike does not sputter or "cough" anymore. Maybe the V-Boost is not kicking in as I expected, but the bike goes pretty good even if I stay at...
  4. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    wow... this is GOLD !!! thank you very much Max ! Update : carb sync is done. I've noticed that the carbs were not so misaligned as excpected. i take this as a good thing. If it doesn't rain AGAIN ( insert swearing here...) i will go for a ride this evening .
  5. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    Hello Sean , 42.5 for pilot jet should be the standard size for EU models. Unfortunately I didn't had the chance to check it with my eyes , because I don't have the replacement gasket for carbs, but I'm pretty confident that the pilot jet was not touched by the previous owner. I carefully...
  6. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    thanks a lot MaxMidnight. ok, I've got all set and ready to go. Cleaned the carbs with appropriate cleaner, spraying a lot through every jet/orifice. Main Jet : mikuni 150 Pilot jet : should be 42.5, but I didn't had the chance to check it , because this requires a full dismount of the carb rack...
  7. g2501

    Horrible Starter Noise

    I had the same problem some months ago. The issue comes out in cold days , or when battery is very low on charge. The "sound" of rattling bricks inside the motor at startup scares the hell out of me , so I decided to swap the starter clutch with the 6 roller "heavy duty". Never had the problem...
  8. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    Hello guys, just an update for suggestions and ideas. ( in the end I hope this thread will be helpfull to others that are going to make some mods ) As I wrote I completely rebuild the airbox. Now is all stock...except for the airbox itself that is a K&N and not a paper filter. after the usual...
  9. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    quck update: Ok then, I'm going to roll back everything and save the modded parts for when I can purchase a full header exhaust.Following Sean Suggestion I've ordered the mikuni 150 main jet.I've also ordered the air correctors, but I will save them for future use. This will be the...
  10. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    that's right Fire-Medic, sometimes in Italy the police check also for the license plate canting.....and belive it or not, this is a good reason for the seizure of the bike.... license plate MUST be 30° , at a specific height and in the middle of the bike ( no side plate ). Sometimes I really...
  11. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    thank you all. I've learned the lesson in the hard way.... I'm going to do the "roll-back" and let you know. the good news is that I only lost 30$ for the flat air filter ( other parts were already in my spare part box ). The bad news is that I have to take down the carbs again. my last...
  12. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    I've found an old topic on this forum regardind the needles, and can confirm that I have the adjustable stock needles. here's the link to the post Stok needles are on the bike right now, but it's raining a lot here in Italy, so I have to wait for a test. I ask for the air correctors to Sean (...
  13. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    there is a little symbol of a square with another little square inside of it in the low left corner, and next to it the writing : 5DZ19
  14. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    thank you Sean, I'm going to swap the needles right now. Here they are, polished and ready to be installed. As you can see they are pretty similar to stage 1 needles, so you will forgive my ignorance if I ask you what are the difference between my original needles and the stage 1? I've always...
  15. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    first of all, thank you very much for your suggestions. I really appreciate them. So , to summarize, tomorrow morning I will clean the old original needles and install them. I'm thinking about posting a pic to show you the differences between those 2 needles types. At my eyes they seems pretty...