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  1. MoPure

    During the "shotgun" I noticed...

    yes, slide diaphragms were out. Last nite, I took the coasting enrich diaphragm out to inspect and it looked fine. So IDK. Reassembled everything, and synched carbs. Seems to be running ok after a short ride. I guess we'll see what it does on a longer ride in the heat. I also did a temp check...
  2. MoPure

    During the "shotgun" I noticed...

    Hadnt thought about the carb cleaner possibly hurting the diaphragms...was thinking that it was more the 100psi of air to an already weakened diaphragm. Haven't pulled it yet, but that's where my suspicions lie. Also, I wouldn't have thought brake cleaner would be any more gentle, but I'm not...
  3. MoPure

    During the "shotgun" I noticed...

    nope, air supply is dry. Do you know if PAJ2 goes to the coasting enrichment diaphram? That's the only thing I can think of that could have fluttered and then just blown on through steady.
  4. MoPure

    During the "shotgun" I noticed...

    ....while blowing air through the mixture screw holes, the air stream coming from PAJ2 starts with a good burst, then slows down. Except my #1 carb. It's just a steady stream of air through PAJ2. On the same token, the stream coming out of PAJ1 seems to be equal on all carbs. When I first...
  5. MoPure

    for the crafty guys with small fingers!

    Ummm, yeah! I could see me working on that for about 20 seconds and saying "**** THIS!"
  6. MoPure

    Went to a guys garage today...

    I would LOVE to have a collection like that! A buddy I had when I lived in Utah had a '70 Superbird just like that one but with custom 3 piece wheels on it, and had a '71 Hemi GTX with 1,XXX original miles. Don't know what ever happened to him... he just kinda disappeared. Gotta love the old...
  7. MoPure

    Morley is a Bad Ass

    You have some interesting ring names there senor penis! :rofl_200:
  8. MoPure

    New Top Gear

    I pretty much agree with what yall have said. Love the Brit version. Only seen one American version. I really didn't think the whole show blew, but definately had a heavy feel of being scripted. I thought Tanner Foust blew hard. I actually liked him on Supercars Exposed, but not TG. I...
  9. MoPure

    Pinwall Dyno Test

    I thought the most impressive thing was the engine rpm. Did they take parts off, or did they fly off? 65,809.33 rpm wow, mussa been a turbine or sunt'n
  10. MoPure

    '30 Henderson streamliner

    Other than styling cues from the early era auto's, that doesn't look like it's from the 30's by any stretch. I think it's pretty awesome! :punk:
  11. MoPure

    Concealed Carry Weapons, Firearm

    Funny... I bought my first pistol from my dad, it was an AMT Hardballer. My second pistol I bought new through my uncle, who at the time was a dealer. It was a Jennings .22 in nickle satin. Still have both of them. You may want to consider an eastern block surplus gun also. Somthing like a...
  12. MoPure

    oldest surviving vmax....

    #0258 runner, 1300 swap, supertrapps, home made LED lighting, and lots and lots of BLACK! 30,987.8 miles on odometer at time of this post.
  13. MoPure

    Canadian Bear

    That's damn funny!
  14. MoPure

    Respect of wearing surplus?

    During the winter I wear my field jacket all the time with all the patches from Desert Storm still on it. I always wondered if someone would confront me about it and ask questions, but so far nobody has. Good thing too, cuz I can't even remember what ******* unit I was in :bang head: My...
  15. MoPure

    Concealed Carry Weapons, Firearm

    The thing is, it's much better to have it and not need it, than the other way around. And you just never know when you might need it. Kinda like carrying a rubber in your wallet, or wearing your seatbelt, or buying any kind of insurance, or yada yada yada....