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  1. MrMAX1985

    Clutch slippage gen 1

    No I replaced them with new fiber plates.
  2. MrMAX1985

    Clutch slippage gen 1

    Had the same issue, slipping in v-boost. Took out plates and measured them, still in spec according to manual. Replaced them and used Rotella 15w40, no more slippage.
  3. MrMAX1985

    Noob from Colorado!

    I have the same story as yours, except I had sold mine to a family friend who took excellent, unmolested care of it. Here is a picture of it the day I brought it back home! BTW I just picked up a 2025 Audi SQ5 for the family go getter!
  4. MrMAX1985

    Vmax Brochures

    I still have my original one that I got when I bought my 85.
  5. MrMAX1985

    Clutch Boss - "ring set" Necessary ?

    Mine were slipping under v-boost, pulled them off and measured them-they were still in spec. Replaced them and no more issues like MaxMidnight.
  6. MrMAX1985


    Those are your stator wires, best thing to do is to cut out plug and wire them direct with a solder joint. Common issue with VMax-looks like there was heat at one time at that connection.
  7. MrMAX1985

    How to: Fix your Vmax's low voltage or charging problems

    I had a similar problem this spring. Checking the R/R I found a bad diode-replaced R/R and still had issue. Checked stator and had .42 ohms leg to leg. (Fluke 189 meter). I got .1 ohms when going from 1 leg to ground on each. I had 50-60 volts reving engine with stator disconnected. as soon as I...
  8. MrMAX1985

    Which Wire?

    Did you check the rectifier diodes per Fire Medics post above? Did you check the AC voltages on each leg while running and plugged in? did you check the AC voltages on each leg unplugged while running? I think you will find your answer somewhere in these 3 questions.
  9. MrMAX1985

    Low charging voltage, radiator fan takes 5A

    Just been there, done that!😁
  10. MrMAX1985

    How to: Fix your Vmax's low voltage or charging problems

    I did a version of MaxMidnights attachment for the hot start fix. I took the starter apart and cleaned everything and made a stud and mounted it to the brush holder that went thru the back cover (drilled hole) and nutted it from both sides. Have not had any issue with starter since.
  11. MrMAX1985

    Which Wire?

    On your 3 stator leads check from each one to ground-your meter should show OL or infinity ohms. There is no check for this in the factory manual. If any of them are not OL your stator is shorted to ground and needs to be replaced along with the regulator now. Mine tested at .4 0hms between all...
  12. MrMAX1985

    Engine miss when hot

    I was thinking that the carbs were the issue also so I had pulled them off last fall and went thru them completely including the ultrasonic bath. The fuel tank is absolutely clean on the inside and I had replaced the fuel filter with OEM at that time. There was nothing that I could see for...
  13. MrMAX1985

    Engine miss when hot

    Well I replaced my plug caps and wires and took for a ride yesterday. Still have same issue, noticed if I hold throttle steady at 2500-3000 rpms while cruising with no load on engine (flat level road) it will start to miss/stumble. If I jump up a gear (at the same speed) the stumble goes away...
  14. MrMAX1985

    Engine miss when hot

    Where would I source them from? Would you know part#s? Thanks
  15. MrMAX1985

    Engine miss when hot

    Original, took them apart this winter and did not see anything wrong visually.