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  1. racerboy

    Carb synch issue

    Well, Saw this old thread and finally!! solved the issue. the jet block? the gasket under it? totally dissolved, did not notice any debris in the bowl nor any indications of deteriorated material, my thoughts there, just melded with the fuel, out the exhaust. Oh, carbs one and two. Chkd...
  2. racerboy


    Well, finally found the problem, apparently, during one of my many needle chge outs, a set of Calif. spec needles ended up in the beast, so I swapped them out and conducted a before & after, solved.
  3. racerboy

    Parts For Sale Gen 1 wheels for sale $100

    if so, tell me total shipping
  4. racerboy

    How to change your water pump seals

    Well written, I ended up heating (heat gun works fine) the bearing housing, bearing was in the fridge, upon the heat, cold bearing, damn thing dropped rite in!! no pounding period!! Woo hoo!
  5. racerboy

    Carb synch issue

    no offense at all, Ive done this in the past on my last Vmax (92) never had problems. But. alas, I will heed your steps and try that. thxs
  6. racerboy

    Carb synch issue

    Happy new yr everyone, I have an 07, carbs all clean, nice and tight, the only problem, carbs 1,2,3 synch beautifully, #4 is off. no matter what I do, it will not line up with the rest. I even swapped out the vac. lines between 3 and 4 just to see if #3 displays what 4 showed. it did...
  7. racerboy

    Finally! a fix for handle bar vibration

    well said
  8. racerboy


    mine are moving freely, no stiction. Im selling it!
  9. racerboy


    Its never ending. Now my 07 does this: starts right up, idles fine, air screws about 2.5 out on all 4 carbs, (even though Ive heard the back carbs should be turned out differently) as you accelerate, it revs thru the range ok, no stumbling, but if your at a steady state cruise, in a lower...
  10. racerboy

    any battery asap

    I actually found bike batteries at Batteries Plus, and they work pretty well. half the fricking cost too
  11. racerboy

    Barnett clutch pack

    I strongly agree with Sean. I bought a set of Barnetts. Don't do it!! They are thinner, way thinner. shifting was notchy and trying to find neutral. forget it. I went ahd and installed all new everything clutch OEM. No problems.
  12. racerboy

    Clutch problem, nothing new rite?

    Finally! fixed my clutch crap issue. Installed all new OEM plates, OEM master cylinder, new secondary master cylinder. Bled the lines one more time, shifts like brand new, finding neutral is perfect. all is well. now, I gotta synch the carbs, adjust the air mixture screw, I tell ya, 13 yr...
  13. racerboy

    96 part out

    I need the OEM clutch reservoir setup