Steve will post/share an agenda before the event, but I'm mapping out extra rides and am open to route & destination suggestions. If you're not familiar with the area, check out this Google Map - PA Bucket List Travel Map, and search for "Somerset"
I'm with Fire-medic on the sewing for the ebay listing you referenced - the midsection appears to be a plain sheet, not shaped/contoured.
I've recovered two Vmax seats in the past, one with a set of used stock covers and another with a new PU leather set from AliExpress (YXMOTO?). I recall the...
For those not on Facebook, Steve advised on Group Chat to book elsewhere ASAP. Reportedly we have a group rate at the Days Inn; Steve is working with the Manager, who will be back on Wednesday (5/17). If you can't find a room, Steve has a few reserved in his name. We'll be spread out but a full...