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  1. V4max

    Sold 2017 VMAX for Sale!

    Do you have a website to see the bike or pictures?
  2. V4max

    Finally a Vmax owner

    Please don't turn the throttle on that thing like you can a Harley until you get used to it cause it's a whole different animal than any Harley you've ever riden. I don't say that as a dig on Harleys I own a street glide myself. Nice bike be safe.
  3. V4max

    Newbie - 2012 Vmax

    You meant small block ford right?? 😆
  4. V4max

    Gen 1 Clutch

    Good job buddy
  5. V4max

    Sold 2nd Gen for sale

    You lucky dog lol
  6. V4max

    Motorycle For Sale 1999 Magna Charged Supercharged V-Max w/tons of parts

    Oh, ok, so it's pretty much ready to rock?I was just asking for a buddy he was interested but wanted to make sure it wasn't a project bike or motor issues. Thanks for responding.
  7. V4max

    Motorycle For Sale 1999 Magna Charged Supercharged V-Max w/tons of parts

    What needs done to it that you know of for it to run again? I know the obvious but why isn't it running now? Why did it stop running?
  8. V4max

    Merry Christmas everyone

    Merry Christmas!!!!
  9. V4max

    Motorycle For Sale WTT 2016 SUZUKI BANDIT 1250 FOR VMAX

    Couple more yrs before the max is 40 but you've definitely had it along time. They are awesome bikes, my opinion everyone who rides should atleast ride one atleast once in their lifetime.
  10. V4max

    Motorycle For Sale WTT 2016 SUZUKI BANDIT 1250 FOR VMAX

    I'd much rather have the vmax then the crotch rocket. Just my opinion
  11. V4max

    Merry Christmas everyone

    Weather is terrible in west Virginia. Was hoping for a white Christmas but looks like just a cold wet one!!!!
  12. V4max

    Air Shifter install Problem

    Thats awesome Sean most people charge for all that info. Glad to have you available.