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  1. S

    key turn, click click, click

    I have a quick question, when I start the vmax (06) after an extended amout on soon as I turn the key to the on position..I hear the clicking seems to get slower after the first click. I know it sounds weird...but it's the only way I can describe it. It's not...
  2. S

    are you sure?

    I just did the rivit cap-exhaust mod....I drilled the rivits did the mod and it sounds Ok...but I'm really worried about those rivits that I punched out and are now hanging around inside the pipe.....Can anyone tell me if there's any danger of that metal being sucked back into the Cyclinder and...
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    questions about exhaust mod

    Hi folks, this may sound like a very weird question.....I'm thinking aobut doing the exhaust mod and drilling the rivits from the end caps ( ya know what mod I'm talking about ) If I drill the heads of the rivits from the end caps..won't the rest of the rivit fall inside the pipe??? I'm taking...
  4. S

    Manual fan switch install

    Thanks for all the help...the Schem posted was excellent,.....all I have to do now is get some time to do it..LOL Cheers!!
  5. S

    Manual fan switch install

    Just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction in how to do the Manual fan switch install?? any directions would be appreciated?? Do I just wire in a on/off switch to both wires coming from the Thermostat creating a closed circuit?? or should I wire up a switch that goes...
  6. S

    06 V-max, mufflers??

    Hi, Me again...I just checked into the supertrapp metric megaphone my next questions are: Does this Slip on sound better? Does it make any HP? are Jetting changes or Carb adjustments required? thanks again
  7. S

    06 V-max, mufflers??

    Hi, newbie here.....I just bought an it!! I'm wondering if there's a Muffler ( not whole exhaust system ) that I can buy that will make it sound a little better and not have all that chrome there...would like to swap it for something a little less I was looking at a...