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  1. dtoebaert-5311

    present from my better half, say three-quarters :)

    To celebrate the new look of Llamrei, got this nice keyring from my wife :clapping: Ain`t she a doll :eusa_dance: The wife I mean, not the keychain:rofl_200:
  2. dtoebaert-5311

    Question for you all

    the nice thing about a vmax (taken for granted I only know about GenI) is that it`s actually two bikes in one. Has so much low-end torque you can "ride" it like a hardley, and whenever you feel like it/dare to, just gas it and goooooooooooooooooooooooo - best of both worlds! You`ll never regret...
  3. dtoebaert-5311

    color scheme advice sought!

    It`s a difficult color apparently to "catch" on a picture this candy red, always looks to "orange" - but I can assure you in real life it looks great! Will go for the black scoops with candy red ridge Sean, will email! Will post pics afterwards!
  4. dtoebaert-5311

    color scheme advice sought!

    Thanks guys for all your thoughts, much appreciated :eusa_dance: I also thought about the two-tone, but am afraid for too much red in a "top view" - don`t want to distract from the racing stripes So I think I`ll follow Sean`s advice and have them black with a thin candy red line halfway -...
  5. dtoebaert-5311

    color scheme advice sought!

    大家好, Looking for some advice. Sean set me up with some great looking racing stripes, I just uploaded it to a new album "Llamrei reborn" - and I need some advice NO - not about the big Tach - I know it looks awful at first sight and should be in the center. I`ll probalby move it to center...
  6. stripes2


  7. rear tire

    rear tire

  8. scoops


  9. stripes1


  10. cowl


  11. flyscreen


  12. front


  13. Llamrei reborn

    Llamrei reborn

    after feb2013 makeover
  14. dtoebaert-5311

    Kerker 4 into 1 rattle

    Sorry couldn`t help it - just having fun in beijing airport while waiting for my flight my modded max :)
  15. dtoebaert-5311

    Thank you Sean!

    OK so the tach goes to the center!:th_signs42:
  16. after mod feb2013

    after mod feb2013

  17. after mod feb2013

    after mod feb2013

  18. after mod feb2013

    after mod feb2013

  19. dtoebaert-5311

    Advice for Bargaining

    My wife wanted me to wait until the spring even though it was a really good deal, and someone else bought it. :bang head: Waiting until spring to buy a new bike is like waiting until december 24 to buy a Xmas tree