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  1. IMAG0576


  2. IMAG0577


  3. IMAG0578


  4. IMAG0560


  5. IMAG0574


  6. IMAG0575


  7. ...phase 7...

    ...phase 7...

  8. dtoebaert-5311

    Need advice tail section...

    Sooooooooooo....This is the result: And yes, shortening the tail and removing the "brick" taillight does seem to make me see things in a different light; ideal compromise between "more modern" and "keep the typical vmax look" Will probably leave it like this Still needs paint of course, but...
  9. dtoebaert-5311

    Need advice tail section...

    Well, I got home this weekend and mounted them "correctly," but honestly I like it even less...get in the way of the scoops... So took `m off again, also took of front radiator cover to check, but the grille seems to do a good job, very little damage or debris clogging the heat exchanger...
  10. dtoebaert-5311

    Startup problems

    ...then nothing accept cranking and cranking. be careful not to fry the starter motor
  11. dtoebaert-5311

    New max owner

    Those can`t be stock rims?
  12. dtoebaert-5311

    Static Electricity Does Amazing Things

    Indeed, vigorous and sufficiently long applied rubbing can produce significant static :rofl_200:
  13. dtoebaert-5311

    Need advice tail section... thanks huskyman!
  14. dtoebaert-5311

    86 dies when wet

    the pdf attached to previous post more or less summarizes it; saves the finding of posts One thing I forgot: the R/R takes it ground from the frame - bad idea. Route a wire from the R/R ground directly to battery (-) terminal
  15. dtoebaert-5311

    86 dies when wet

    Boy do I knopw what you mean :bang head: ...trace some of my old posts, "sensitive to moisture" or something like that... Anyway, try to completely seal the left scoop, that worked for me :eusa_dance: I was so happy to have solved the problem I even made a write-up for the VBoost magazine at...
  16. dtoebaert-5311

    new cop conversion !!

    :rofl_200:that speed gun is mounted in reverse
  17. dtoebaert-5311

    Sandybikespares exhaust

    Found a pic on , but no picture installed on a max ...
  18. dtoebaert-5311

    Need advice tail section...

    Well, if you don`t need it I most certainly won`t :rofl_200: So springs & fluids ?
  19. dtoebaert-5311

    Need advice tail section...

    Yeah, but if I upgrade the front-end anyway, do I go for a +93 setup with all the whistles and bells like in Firemedic`s post, or USD?
  20. dtoebaert-5311

    Need advice tail section...

    Sean, I`ll see what the mini-mudguard does for me first But now we`re at it, the front-end upgrade Firemedic proposes, would it be prohibitively expensive? Or do you recommend USD mod in stead? Apart from aesthetics, what would you say is best handling-wise? David