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  1. TB99Max

    Air Leaks and Carbs

    Yes it ran good for about 800-1,000 miles. I just changed the fuel filter when this started happening and I even cut it apart to see how dirty it was and pretty much nothing in it.
  2. TB99Max

    Air Leaks and Carbs

    I took out plug #1 and it's just as black and wet, maybe even a little worse.
  3. TB99Max

    Air Leaks and Carbs

    Oh ok the cylinder number to one I'm aware of. I have the ones on the air box I will check them also. I took plug #2 out to take a look....
  4. TB99Max

    Air Leaks and Carbs

    Mine will idle decent but when I accelerate I feel like I'm on a 500cc bike..... Or less! And it seriously sputters and struggles around 4k rpm. I did the peashooter and shotgun twice and nothing! I had the carbs rebuilt about a year ago and have not let it sit without ridding it or at least...
  5. TB99Max

    Morgan carbtune

    Thanks! This is probably a stupid question...... I see that the columns have numbers on them. Are you suppose to try to get them to a certain number? Or just try to get them the same wherever they end up on the columns? Thanks
  6. TB99Max

    Morgan carbtune

    Finally got it yesterday 7/23 and ordered it on 7/5, so I guess it wasn't to bad. I pulled the fuel pump and it's fine so it's got to be something with the carbs! :ummm: hopefully today I'll do the shotgun again and sync them and see what happens. Does anyone have any tips for using the...
  7. TB99Max

    Morgan carbtune

    Thanks for the offer dragmaxster! But I wouldn't feel right having you come out to me. I don't live in Elsinore anymore I live in corona now close to the 15/91 mess! Over the next few days I'm going to try to work on it and if I can't figure it out I might have to take you up on that offer...
  8. TB99Max

    Raked front end kit - anyone done this?

    The thread is under user mods and the title is Max Long. I talked to the guy about it because I think it looks badass! He spent a lot of money to do it if I remember right.
  9. TB99Max

    Morgan carbtune

    I'm guessing It's not just out of sync but because my idiot buddy messed with the sync screw (or whatever it's called) I know it needs to be done and start over. It's so frustrating that I had the carbs rebuilt not long ago and it's having problems again! I'm 99% sure this has got to be a carb...
  10. TB99Max

    Crashed 02 Vmax on CL

    On LA craigslist there is also a super clean 1995 for $3750! Decent price but with the way the Vmax market is I'm sure he would be negotiable.
  11. TB99Max

    Crashed 02 Vmax on CL

    It's on Los Angeles CL
  12. TB99Max

    Crashed 02 Vmax on CL

    This guy started out at $4K!! I knew there was no way in hell he would get anything close to that! All the way down to $1,100! I'm sure he would take less than that! [email protected] I hope I did that right
  13. TB99Max

    Morgan carbtune

    I got a response at 4am Ca time (PST) they apologized and said they have been busy so the wrong one was sent. They are going to send the new one international sign for shipping which hopefully I will receive a little faster. Does anyone have any experience with this type of shipping and have any...
  14. TB99Max

    New version VMax rack from Cycle-istiC

    Do you have a picture of it on a Vmax?
  15. TB99Max

    Morgan carbtune

    I ordered mine on 7/5 and got it yesterday..... Opened it up and they sent the 2 column! :bang head: I emailed them and I would think they will make it right but it just sucks that it's going to take ANOTHER 2 weeks! The shipping slip on the box says 4 column and my emailed invoice says 4 column...
  16. TB99Max

    Morgan carbtune

    So it took about two weeks and the holiday definitely slowed it down for you. I ordered mine Tuesday the 5th I'm hoping it'll be here by the end of next week. Right now the GBP is down and Morgan is running a special for the tool pouch/carrying case and sync tool it only cost $94 shipped to SoCal.
  17. TB99Max

    Morgan carbtune

    My Vmax is running like absolute CRAP! It's like it has less than half of its power! I did the shotgun and was VERY careful on how I put everything back in. It might have helped some but a friend was over and wanted to "help" me. He decided to adjust what he thought was the idle screw on the...
  18. TB99Max

    Morgan carbtune

    I just ordered a Morgan carbtune finally! I really wanted the digisync but this sucks to say..... My wife wasn't to happy with the few extra bucks for it. Can anyone tell me how long shipping takes roughly from across the pond? I'm in Southern Ca. I guess when you own a Vmax you got to have one!
  19. TB99Max

    A/F adjustment questions

    Blaxmax...... When you say closest to your knees you are referring to the rears correct? When there is a popping noise on decel that means it's lean right?