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  1. tfisher65

    Toronto Supershow

    Here are some pictures from the show. Enjoy.
  2. tfisher65

    During My Winter Maintenance/Upgrades.....

    Dielectric grease should soleve this problem.
  3. tfisher65

    Hola a todos.-

    Hola y bienvenidos! Feliz Navidad y A?o Nuevo!
  4. tfisher65

    VMax will not start

    Based on what you mentioned I think you have two problems. First is a weak battery and the second being dirty carbs. Test the battery for cranking amps, replace if necessary and pee shoot the carbs. Check the fuel filter while your at it.
  5. tfisher65

    New addition

    The gift of life for Christmas, it doesn't get any better. Congrats to you both.
  6. tfisher65

    Video thread... All things video...

    Check out this smash up. Crank it!
  7. tfisher65


    Here is a site that you can get the colour spec's for the year. BTW, 2007 was the last year of the Gen 1, although the colour scheme was the same for 06 & 07.
  8. tfisher65

    Oil Drain Plug Size?

    I had a steel washer with a bonded rubber center.
  9. tfisher65

    Oil Drain Plug Size?

    Word of warning. I purchased one off flee bay a coulpe years back, worked fine however it's about half the length of stock. No biggie however torqued to stock spec eventually stripped out the threads in the oil pan. A heli coil later and back to stock bolt.
  10. tfisher65

    My girlfriend needs some help

    Did you try some contact cleaner first?
  11. tfisher65

    I've got 18"

    Hey, as long as it stays on that side of the lake I'm happy.
  12. tfisher65

    Dyno for Thunder In the Valley

    Holy crap, Bob with no negative or derogatory comment, he must have taken his med's today!
  13. tfisher65

    Dreaded "0" ring facts

    If I'm riding with you Dale I never get the chance! You'd think you were a cop or something!:clapping:
  14. tfisher65

    Dreaded "0" ring facts

    Dropped the pan on my 05' with 36,000km's on it today (22,500 miles), o-ring was exactly where it's supposed to be.:biglaugh:
  15. tfisher65

    Thread about Windshields

    Re: Little Windscreen You do know it goes on the front!?:rofl_200:
  16. tfisher65

    Thread about Windshields

    Re: Little Windscreen I have the Givi fly screen. A little taller than the Yamaha. Keeps the wind off the chest which helps on long or high speed rides.
  17. tfisher65

    Ontario Chapter 507 ride

    507 claims another. RIP.
  18. tfisher65

    Balancing and the red dot

    I have found with the Metzlers to ignore the dots. Put the tire on the rim and run it on the balancer. Keep rotating the tire on the rim until it requires the least amount of weight (also check the runout at the same time). 9 times out of 10 the dots don't line up with anything and you're using...