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  1. tfisher65

    Givi windscreen?????????

    Yes it is possible with lots of patience and care but you really need the bike on it's center stand or similar.
  2. tfisher65

    Huge Party In Niagara Falls, ON

    Perfect timing... when all the "real" cops are out of town (that is a compliment Dale).
  3. tfisher65

    Sudden increased Vibs

    Working out is hazardous to your V-Max!
  4. tfisher65


    Really? I can go WOT and feel it kick in at both 3K & 6K.
  5. tfisher65


    You can also pull off the left scoop and look in between the carbs and make sure the cable is connected and moving when the servo self tests.
  6. tfisher65

    2010 Spring Ice Breaker

    Brian, I know a few people staying at the Erie beach so you won't be alone.
  7. tfisher65

    Help with U.S. quarters

    I have an Iowa Denver mint. PM me your mailing address and I'll send it to you.
  8. tfisher65


    Normally T-Boost will change the V-Boost to kick in around 3,000rpm. You should feel a surge. Check under the left scoop, the after market controller should be located there. Can you feel the V-Boost kick in at 6,000rpm?
  9. tfisher65

    Whine in 2nd and 3rd

    As long as you perform the routine maintenance I would just ride it. I took my 05' with 30K on it out the other night with a half helmet on for the first time(I normally run full face). Holy crap, I could drive myself insane trying to debug all the noises. As they say, just put some loud pipes...
  10. tfisher65

    Motorcycle lift table

    These tables are good, the wheel clamps suck. First thing I did was replaced the clamp with a wheel chock.
  11. tfisher65

    Coolant Change

    Absolutely shreaded through the pump then settled in the bottom of the rad and drain line.
  12. tfisher65

    so i had an interview today..

    Probably the last thing to ask if he was gay!:rofl_200:
  13. tfisher65

    Ride to Hell!!

    What's going on with this ride? It started off as a day trip to Hell and somewhere along the way it got complicated.
  14. tfisher65

    fork springs

    10psi with stock springs and Ricors. No air with progressive's with or without Ricors.
  15. tfisher65

    fork springs

    So, the normal stock dive & float came back with the stock springs. The bumps & pot holes seemed to smooth out and wasn't as harsh as with the progressives however it didn't feel as secure or planted on the road. I have now removed the Ricors, changed to 10w oil with just the Progressive...
  16. tfisher65

    New VMOA Shirt!

    Let's just say it's made in the "Americas".:biglaugh:
  17. tfisher65

    small coolant leak

    As I have noted in the other threads, mine has done this since new. Until I can see I'm losing a significant amount or it weeps everytime, I'm not fixing anything.
  18. tfisher65


    Simple rule: when you think you've got enough packaging... double it.
  19. tfisher65

    Anyone Feeling Crafty?

    Not the first time I've been in the wrong slot.:whistlin:
  20. tfisher65

    2010 Spring Ice Breaker

    Brian, not sure yet if I'm going on the Brownie Run but I'd be more than happy to hook up with you on the way through here to Jim's on the 27th.