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  1. J

    need gas tank

    Surprise !!! I figured I would put 1/2 a tea spoon of 2stroke oil per tank to keep away the rust. Its not even noticeable in the color. Now,.....the interesting part......I got more power ..??? At first I thought it was all in my head. The bike had faster cleaner throttle response and seem...
  2. J

    need gas tank

    thanks, will do.
  3. J

    need gas tank

    No, it was poured from a different container......I'll ask him tonight.
  4. J

    need gas tank

    I poured it on the weeds behind the shop. weeds gone, lol
  5. J

    need gas tank

    tank woes Well a new tank is on order,..don't know when it will get here,...its on "back order" . he said 2 weeks to 1 month. But in the meantime .................I took the tank to the rad shop,.....what a nightmare ! He acid cleaned it and DIDNT neutralize it and it sat for 2 days. You...
  6. J

    Can you start without a gas tank?

    I blame the Govt. LOL. So what can I fuel range is limited and sometimes I need gas NOW and I'm stuck in some crapy little town that only has ethanol ? Carry methyl hydrate ? You can get those tiny little bottles of it.
  7. J

    Gas Cap Stuck

    Mine has been "pried- off" by the last owner. Seems he ran into the same problem and needed it off NOW, LOL.
  8. J

    need gas tank

    I dropped the gas tank off at the Rad-shop. he said it looked pretty good. Said he would acid wash & steam wash it for me. He also said to always run premium fuel with low ethanol & when stored over the winter to put a tiny bit of 2-stroke oil in and it wont rust. he said he's seen gas tanks off...
  9. J

    Can you start without a gas tank?

    whats with all the rusted Vmax tanks,?? mine included......Junk metal ? Ive had tons of bikes over the last 40 years that don't have this problem to this extent. I've never seen so many articles on rusted vmax tanks on the forums.
  10. J

    need gas tank

    well life just showed its ugly side......max is on hold and so has the spending. Our new Government has just decided to SLASH of bunch of programs,....that means my wifes job !! Oh boy, that's $3800 a month gone. What to do................. I'm going for a nap. I went & picked up 4...
  11. J

    need gas tank

    Thanks for the link.....with the dollar exchange & shipping it comes out to the same price as the Canadian one. I guess i'll ride the Honda and order a new one and...............................wait. arggggggggg. I phoned the bike salvage yards here & they don't even want to look.
  12. J

    need gas tank

    Well after cleaning out my tank with muriatic acid & pressure washing it, I'm still getting flakes. Yamaha wants $353 Canadian & 2 weeks. I found some on ebay for $199 + ups + $60 shipping , that's around $379 Canadian. that dollar exchange is a killer !! any one got a good clean used one...
  13. J

    slight stumble under 2k

    well after all this.....I still have dirt & small pieces of rubber getting into the carbs. So....The problem is "ahead of the fuel tank". 1st filter is clean. I am pulling the E pump and gonna blow through & flush it till nothing comes out, then I'm changing the rubber hoses as well and put a...
  14. J

    kids growing up

    I was painting an old Harley shovel head & I had extra paint left over so I painted the Honda scooter. The decal reads "hardley Davidson" LOL My boy later sold it to a nurse & she drove it off the Highway into the ditch and went ass over tea-kettle. Oh boy.
  15. J

    slight stumble under 2k

    Tank is back on. the muratic acid really did the job. Horrible smelling. I threw in a hand full of nuts, them sloshed it around. I made a plastic patch for the fuel gauge opening so my goop wouldn't pour out. Took the Pressure washer to it next. It looks like new inside. The white can is all...
  16. J

    slight stumble under 2k

    well here I am....bought the Pro gauge, synced the carbs, was running like a champ...then it all went to ****. Tons of dirt in the carbs AGAIN, my new fuel filter plugged full of brown sand. Soooooooo, off comes the gas tank tomorrow. I have a gal of muratic acid I'll put to use. Then flush...
  17. J

    Motion Pro Syncpro Carburetor Tuner & the Max

    sitting right on the money !
  18. J

    Motion Pro Syncpro Carburetor Tuner & the Max

    well I got my Motion Pro Syncpro Carburetor Tuner today. I calibrated it like the Video said.....I put the Brass Restrictor plugs at the bottom of the hoses so they would be close to the carbs, worked Perfect ! No bubbles, no fluttering. I revved it up to 4500 and...
  19. J

    shimming the needle

    thank you for all your in-put.
  20. J

    shimming the needle

    I have some carb needle shim washers that I use every now and then on other projects. Question- can I slide 1 thin shim under the needle and get away with it and not cause any other problems ? I am running stock jets. Will it help on top-end pull, or is it just a bunch of trouble ?