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  1. J

    1997 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 carb, damn it!

    I had a 1500 2 years ago. It was the LOUDEST bike I have ever owned !! Louder than my Harley. I couldn't stand it on the highway. I wished it had the stock pipes. LOL It had a Huge headlight that was absolutely USELESS. I found it Dangerous to ride at night. So I bought a smaller brighter one...
  2. J

    1997 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 carb, damn it!

    Here is an answer I found on my old Kawi forum. Hope it helps. You will also want to check the fuel evaporate system, if the cap is not releasing pressure it will force gas out of the carburetor, so if yo do dirt bike riding check the cap first, also next time it pushes gas out turn the...
  3. J

    Gen2 engine for sale

    I love putting Big Motors in small things, LOL Just gotta make it handle. 1977 Triumph Tr 7 with a 400 cubic inch motor with Racing Edelbrock heads, a 4000rpm stal convertor and 411 gears. It was insane !
  4. J

    Ufo - closed doors - beware

    Holy crap,..not good news. Seems every where you look something is closing down. Our huge machine Shop litterly closed their doors over night ! Now I have to drive 100 miles to get any marching done. No engine parts, no gaskets, no nothing.
  5. J

    green grips for a green max

    I found these on Ebay. Got them for $4.94 under "Yamaha grips" The SAME ones under "vmax grips" were $32.00. Go figure. I also bought a "cargo" net for $1.78 Both came from china and took 7 weeks.LOL
  6. J

    Why does the 1985 VMAX has so much HP?

    I owned a bone stock 1985 , and now I own a bone stock 1998. The 85 pulled harder on the top end by far. Why..who knows. Nothing done to either one. RED 1985 GREEN 1998
  7. J

    Darkside thread

    You gotta watch this LOL.....
  8. J

    Any V-Max riders gone to the Dark Side?

    Maybe on a huge bike ???
  9. J


    I guess I'm Tired as well.!
  10. J

    Very strange case

    Off his meds ???? LOL
  11. J

    Cop accidentally shoots motorcyclist

    holy **** ! I cant believe this. Lawyer up and Sue the SOB !!
  12. J

    Booster control problem ??

    found the problem. Super easy fix. The rubber vent tube from the engine was getting caught under the linkage. Just unloosened the hose clamp,..gave it a turn, and now have lots of clearance.
  13. J

    Booster control problem ??

    I was cycling my ignition and this is what I noticed- Boost module cable goes up, then it comes down.....wait 2 seconds and it clicks and drops down another 1/2 inch a second time. On my old max- It would go up,..then come all the way down. Is this normal, or is it getting hung -up ?? I...
  14. J

    New racing boots

    delete Delete add. Sold
  15. J

    Would you dare to 'pull the trigger?' Two stroke triple trike

    Cool "show piece ". I remember as a kid seeing a lot of home built trikes. They were about the same calibre.....unsafe at any speed. Good post.!
  16. J

    EEver wonder how much gas you have left?

    I've seen where people have used a clear line coming up from the tank to show the gas level,..but this "clearly lets you know".
  17. J

    Bike and car ads of the 1970's

    Its true I owned one LOL "YOU GET MORE NOOKIE ON A SUZUKI ''
  18. J

    unusual H-D ad

    Now that's
  19. J

    Vmax VS boss hoss ?

    Hole shot...or loose, LOL. I"ll have to practice. I'll have to ride the clutch pretty good with these Shinko tires. My old rear tire would just spin and toss me around & send me sideways. Ive seen his bike in action. It really moves.
  20. J

    OUCH !! girl sport bike !

    Son of a gun, I cant imagine , like being trapped in a giant belt sander.