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  1. J

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    well the snow is here, so I Started pulling it down. Gonna do Fork seals & bushings, wheel bearings, grease swing arm, fresh oil, antifreeze flush,complete paint , new caliper seals & build some frame brace struts......& whatever else pops up.
  2. J

    Weekend Ride

    Must be friggen snow on the ground here..arrrggg. Fantastic pics. wished I was there,.....oh ya, warmth !
  3. J

    How do you combat this mindset?

    wow...... These people really take the quran seriously.
  4. J

    Anyone bought a private seller bike and had it shipped

    I used to buy Harleys from Ontario which is on the other side of the country. I bought them from a couple different dealerships, never did private risky. They would send me detailed pics and serial number off the bike so I could check it for leans & stolen bikes. Then I would emt...
  5. J

    Liquid-cooled Triumph twins 900/1200 cc

    I bought a 2008 Bonnie . I fell in love with it in the show room. However, I wished I would of road it first, but I was in a panic,..2 other people had interest in it and I knew if I didn't buy it on the spot that it would be gone. They gave me the owners manual, a fancy yellow cloth to clean it...
  6. J

    good find !!

    they are standard and metric. I just spent 4 hours sorting them. I cant wait to see what he brings in tomorrow.
  7. J

    Diesel oils in gasoline engine

    thanks a bunch !! will do.
  8. J

    had a race !

    Ya, it gets your blood pumping pretty good. The only trouble I had was pulling in the clutch, hands were sooo frozen and No gloves. LOL
  9. J

    good find !!

    We have a recycle store here that takes donations from business all over the province. I often check it out to see whats new. I got lucky today. They had a huge box of stainless steel washers, cotter keys, acorn nuts, bolts and nuts all brand new ! hundreds & hundreds of pieces . I'm always...
  10. J

    Diesel oils in gasoline engine

    Its certainly interesting to be on "bike, or car" forums from around the world and to see the different methods of doing or fixing things or building things that other countries do. Way up here in northern sask, we have never heard of using diesel oils in anything other than a diesel engine. I...
  11. J

    had a race !

    I was just pulling out of the gas station and I pulled up beside a green 650 ninja with a young fellow on it. I blipped the throttle a few times to see If he was interested..and he was. The light changed and he started out normaly, up to about 20mph,..looked at me a nodded ,...."game...
  12. J

    Diesel oils in gasoline engine

    Your right for sure. I guess I'm kinda out the "oil" loop. I'm still thinking dino diesel, LOL. Its amazing how far oils have come recently.
  13. J

    Diesel oils in gasoline engine

    I thought we were talking about Car or truck oil. sorry,...Yes rotella does make an excellent motorcycle oil. When I hear the word Diesel, I just think of heavy duty applications in the industrial field. Sorry for the confussion,..was not aware we were talking motor oil designed for bikes.
  14. J

    Diesel oils in gasoline engine

    Its for low revving engines not high performance high revving engines.
  15. J

    Diesel oils in gasoline engine

    The DIESEL oil is NOT designed to rev 9, to 11 rpms. It will cavitate and you Will get engine damage. It belongs in diesel motors, not bikes.
  16. J

    honda magna vs vmax review

    I owned a 1998 Honda magna 750-4v this fall . Was looking for a max, but couldn't find one . I now have a 1998 V max. Here is my review & opinions of both bikes. Magna- year 1998. v4 750cc. 87HP @9000rpm. fuel capacity 3.4gal. weight 504lbs. The bike sits a bit lower and doesn't seem to be as...
  17. J

    VMax fuel mileage

    I use to ride a 1993 Suzuki 800 and loved it. BUT, you had to hit every station. I took it to Sturgis Bike week once.!! Ran out 2 times. what a hassle.
  18. J

    VMax fuel mileage

    My max is my Hot rod. My Indian Chieftain is my touring bike, Honda shadow 750 is for slow in town pleasure ridding. Not concerned about the gas consumption of the max. Twist the wick !!
  19. J

    150 or 170 for the back?

    just put shinko"s front and back. 150 on the rear. Love it. Shinko on the front works soooo much better than the Dunlop. totally different handling bike. I like them.
  20. J

    shinko tires 2 thumbs up

    yes very sticky. If I punched @3800rpms in 1st I could loose traction and skip the rear,..Not with the Shinko,...they BITE hard. Solid traction, and no fear factor. I am running the 150 instead of the 170.