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  1. dtoebaert-5311

    color scheme advice sought!

    OK, "Llamrei reborn phase 2" - new album - some not-so-professional pics, hope some of the great look survives digitalization :bang head:
  2. dtoebaert-5311

    color scheme advice sought!

    Yes, ordered from Sean, looks amazing, no idea how it`s done...but it takes skill I`m sure
  3. sleep tight....

    sleep tight....

  4. SAM 1113

    SAM 1113

  5. SAM 1114

    SAM 1114

  6. SAM 1115

    SAM 1115

  7. SAM 1108

    SAM 1108

  8. SAM 1110

    SAM 1110

  9. SAM 1112

    SAM 1112

  10. SAM 1081

    SAM 1081

  11. SAM 1082

    SAM 1082

  12. SAM 1107

    SAM 1107

  13. SAM 1073

    SAM 1073

  14. SAM 1078

    SAM 1078

  15. SAM 1079

    SAM 1079

  16. candy red lined

    candy red lined

  17. SAM 1045

    SAM 1045

  18. SAM 1071

    SAM 1071

  19. Llamrei reborn phase 2...

    Llamrei reborn phase 2...

  20. dtoebaert-5311

    color scheme advice sought!

    thanks! can`t wait to see them on the bike!