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  1. L

    Potentially getting another VMAX!!!

    I say you buy mine, much better deal.
  2. L

    TODAY. SATUTDAY SEPT 27. Upstate, SC

    Anyone wanna ride? Prolly headed to the mountains around 1:00 pm.
  3. L

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Honestly, I kinda like the black seat rest pad.
  4. L

    I'm teetering on the fence

    Can you trade me wheels before you trade the bike? :P
  5. L

    Strange symptoms...

    As I understand it, it's entirely possible for one carb to be less/more sensitive than others. Danny?
  6. L

    Strange symptoms...

    Indeed! Thanks for everything, D!
  7. L

    Strange symptoms...

    That would be correct.
  8. L

    Strange symptoms...

    I just slapped on a few lengths of fuel line. Works like a charm!
  9. L

    Strange symptoms...

    Ok... It was determined the PO had the floats leaned way out to compensate for a set of huge mains. After Danny set my floats to factory height, the big mains were causing the bike to load up after prolonged idle. The bike still had a high speed bumble which was determined to be lack of carb...
  10. L

    Upstate, SC last minute ride 9/12 in the morning?

  11. L

    New job.

    Congrats! Someday, I hope I'd do something I love for a living.
  12. L

    1985 with a rough/surging idle

    I'd check for vac leaks. A hanging idle is also indicative of this. Ask me how I know. :)
  13. L

    It is alive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nevermind. Just pulled up the printable version. Sounds great!
  14. L

    It is alive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Got a link to the vid? Embedded version won't play for me.
  15. L

    How to measure wet float levels

    Nvm. I think I got it.
  16. L

    Exhaust leak, No top end power

    I'm not seeing how open header would hurt anything. Jet accordingly.
  17. L

    Exhaust leak, No top end power

    Pretty sure open header won't hurt valves. Running NO header will. I ran my bandit with an open meg forever.
  18. L

    September 5th Upstate, SC/WNC/TN

    Anyone wanna rail some mountain roads?