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  1. tinman22

    powder coating

    I coated/stripped those scoops 4 times. you are right the smaller odd shaped stuff hides mistakes better and is easier to coat. I left the first manifold i did in the oven for the 15 min. time and it left 11d5hundred little pin holes. I called my nephew who has some exp. with such things and he...
  2. tinman22

    powder coating

    We built the oven out of a set of square frame scaffolding. It's solid and was on big wheels. Makes it easy to store out of the way. Made the walls out of steel studs and 18g sheet with mineral wool insulation and hi temp wire from grainger. After getting it all done I realized i should have...
  3. tinman22

    powder coating

    4x6x6 oven, PID controller w/4 burners, 3 lights and blower plus a small under counter type oven next to it also run by the PID but no blower for small stuff. Got it all minus the actual oven for a song including the gun. Only have $330 into it. I'm going to screw up some cerakote tomorrow if...
  4. tinman22

    powder coating

    Wel I electrocuted myself 13 times, gave the dog lung cancer, probably increased my electric bill by 26% and figured out at least half of the wrong ways to powder coat. But at least i don't have to pay for it anymore.
  5. tinman22

    unknown noise

    nope mine was absolutely starter engagement in reverse (motor spinning starter). kill switch was in the on position. The first time it did it i backfired out the exhaust and woke the dog up. It was loud enough for my wife to call me from the house and yell at me for shooting at the squirrels in...
  6. tinman22

    good to go?

    I knew it had something to do with magic.
  7. tinman22

    good to go?

    pm doesn't change fact.
  8. tinman22

    unknown noise

    my new one would also do it. if i put the key in and give it even the slghtest turn it would put power to either a coil or several and it would either pop out a carb or backfire out the exhaust. it would also rotate the engine in whichever way was easiest. sometimes iit would push the motor over...
  9. tinman22

    good to go?

    Dyna still has them. They cost a bit more from them. the D3k7-7 is $399 or you can ebay one for less. They did discontinue the old dip switch model several years ago. got one on the way yesterday. pic on the bottom is actual. the pic on the dyna site is generic.
  10. tinman22

    kerker exhaust

    Sorry.. Didn't even see that.
  11. tinman22

    kerker exhaust

    found these on the bay. they look like they can be saved.
  12. tinman22

    good to go?

    Ive tried, they won't sell it. they just want you to buy a new one rather than fix the old one.
  13. tinman22

    good to go?

    to be honest i didnt even bother. I've been chasing a miss fire ever since i got it put together. I pulled the unit and it's carrier out and found severly corroded plugs. I opened the case and found signs of water intrusion. After removing the board screws i squezedd the bore scope in there and...
  14. tinman22

    good to go?

    nope fluffy stuff and diodes go hand in hand.
  15. tinman22

    good to go?

    all good in the world of oem cdi least it still ran sort of.
  16. tinman22

    Bikes humming during decel?

    even that may or may not differentiate. the spool in my jeep is also not a differential.🍳
  17. tinman22

    What is this part called

    I might have one thats in good shape. I was going to powder coat it black chrome. if its good i will trade you.
  18. tinman22

    Air box top foam ?

    On both of mine the pcv hooks up to the enclosed plenum at the rear of the airbox and gets drawn into the velocity stacks via a plastic t on both sides.(plenum and t's are missing in pic.) The drain nipple goes in the front hole with nothing hooked up on the underside of the airbox, although it...
  19. tinman22

    Air box top foam ?

    I wonder why they needed a filter there but not on the top?
  20. tinman22

    Air box top foam ?

    Did not know that. here it is.