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  1. telelinkken

    Who do you use for parts BESIDES Partzilla

    check out Pinwall Cycle Parts
  2. telelinkken

    Parts For Sale Super Traps for sale.

    What in the world does that mean?
  3. telelinkken

    Parts For Sale Super Traps for sale.

    Thank you so very much I look forward to hearing from you
  4. telelinkken

    Parts For Sale Super Traps for sale.

    I gave it to you on private conversations. you also have my phone number. Check the mail on your inbox.
  5. telelinkken

    Parts For Sale Super Traps for sale.

    I will give you $200 to ship them to Montana
  6. telelinkken

    FIRE under seat!

    I live on a dirt road
  7. telelinkken

    FIRE under seat!

    Thanks Sean! I got all that now (except the overflow tube, it is a sealed batt.)!! It does not show the actual battery box though (for super thin batteries)!!!
  8. telelinkken

    Favorite music from your youth

    Oh, okay, Local. Oingo Boingo and Metallica!
  9. telelinkken

    Favorite music from your youth

    Dio Iron Maiden Scorpions Judas Priest
  10. telelinkken

    Rear Tire

    Wow, incredible words of wisdom! Thanks for that, my friend!! I am currently trying to find a 1969 for my collection. I was originally thinking H.D. but that's not really my thing. My first really fast street bike was an old ZX9, it was fun so I started thinking about the "Widow Maker" but they...
  11. telelinkken

    Rear Tire

    Thanks Brother ! I actually ride a VFR when I RIDE, the Vmax is just for playing around with straight line speed!! I am totally into the gear driven cams!!!
  12. telelinkken

    Rear Bias?

    OKAY! Thank you!! I do have some hours, rain here!!!
  13. telelinkken

    Rear Tire

    Whoops, sorry! Guess I put this in the wrong spot?
  14. telelinkken

    Rear Bias?

    Why is the rear tire bias ply, and can you mount radial tires on the old stock rim?
  15. telelinkken

    Rear Tire

    Can someone please tell me why the rear tire on these old bikes are bias ply? And can I mount a radial on this wheel??