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  1. Kopperhed

    Southwest Dyno Day

    where is the meet-up for thie Friday ride?
  2. Kopperhed

    Vmax rim swaps

    '02 or so GSXR -1000 17x6 rim, 'Busa almost identical.... 190/50/17 tire. Kosman built it. Originally bought an '01 R1 rim, same size, but not big enough center. Otec billet arm will take up to a 200 wide. With an adjustable swingarm pin on the "non-adjustable" side, able to almost center the...
  3. Kopperhed

    Yanaha FJR 1300 wheel in V Max 1200.

    Yep, it's bad..... I rode it to the track one day, falls into the turn very fast one way, the other way you have to bulldog it over..... to tell the truth, I'm surprised it goes straight.
  4. Kopperhed

    Brake calipers upgrade

    'Busa has 320mm front discs & only 240MM rear..... because you really don't need a larger rear rotor.
  5. Kopperhed

    FZ1 rotor and caliper modification

    liked the look of the FZ1 rear caliper when I saw it on Gary Spradley's page, and liked the idea of slightly smaller FZ1 rotor....... except I already had the Otec billet swingarm, and it is all swiss-cheesed underneath....... so, went overslung with a custom mount I had a machinist whip up.
  6. Kopperhed

    Blue spot

    don't need to, works fine with stock master, will stop on a dime with good braided lines & good pads. the master swap to the 14mm smaller master is to give more lever travel & "feel"....... the stock 5/8" bore master pushes more fluid per whatever increment of travel, so less "feel", it grabs...
  7. Daytona07


  8. Hallett


  9. KIMG0078


  10. KIMG0079


  11. Kopperhed's stuff

    Kopperhed's stuff

    my stuff
  12. Kopperhed

    Solid mounts

    Aluminum mounts, think they were $40-60 bucks from Exactrep about 10 yrs ago.... hard to say on vibration difference (vs. completely stock) because I had already installed Otec triple trees (no rubber bushing for handlebar risers) and rearsets (solid aluminum pegs) before then, was pretty buzzy...
  13. Kopperhed

    Southwest Dyno Day

    I'll be there, so beware......
  14. Kopperhed

    FJR brake master cyl worth it? the FZ1 has the same blue puck brake calipers as the R1, and it has the super-cool looking blue puck 2 piston rear caliper, also...... making the 01-05 FZ1 the one-stop shop.
  15. Kopperhed

    FJR brake master cyl worth it?

    FYI, same master on 01-05 FZ1, may be easier to find on ebay.... ...but, the mirror mount sits back in the way, won't let the bar clamp snug up to the switch gear., which jacks the lever...
  16. Kopperhed

    Dyno'd the bike today.

    probably dynojet needles that were in it from the Stage 1 kit. you gotta do the airbox mod.... and yes, the v-boost is still intact & functioning normally.
  17. Kopperhed

    Who knows more about this conversion?

    better "wave" rotors & the blue or gold dot R1/FZ1/FJR calipers is all you need.....
  18. Kopperhed

    Dyno'd the bike today.

    dead stock internally, 73k + miles, Mark's 4-2, Morleys jet kit & airbox.
  19. Kopperhed

    Would you do it?

    you're more likely to blow it just ass'ing around street racing or doing burnouts..... I've had at least 50 dragstrip runs on mine in it's lifetime, and have done several dyno pulls well past the 75,000 mile point.... matter of fact it had over 73,000 miles on it before I installed Morleys jet...
  20. Kopperhed

    Pipes,jetting and air box mods good for only 10 HP ?

    yep, pretty sad, you can do better than that with Mark's 4-2 exhaust plus keep the center stand, Morley's airbox mod & jetting, you are high side of 124 hp/ 80 lbs tq.