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  1. Falaholic

    Looking for input/advice on my saddle bag

    Nice. It gives me an idea. Nice color scheme, really like the bike.
  2. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    Weather, I'm hearing PA was 55 last night. It was also raining. What is the weather expected to be like?
  3. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    Here's a Q. Anyone know of any Ethanol Free gas stations near the hotel?
  4. Falaholic

    Looking for input/advice on my saddle bag

    I just read your post. By chance do you have pics of your large bags installed?
  5. Falaholic

    Holy Sh*t...Weve been spamed!!!!

    ^^^ lol Damm, I hope this doesn't turn into having to Capcha all our posts now, because if we end up having to...then the terrorists have won.
  6. Falaholic

    Holy Sh*t...Weve been spamed!!!!

    FK! This is absurd. So who do we blame this on? I vote Redbone. Ya'know, cause red headed stepchild and all...dammit we need a forum scape goat. :D
  7. Falaholic

    Looking for input/advice on my saddle bag

    This is the best that I can do at this time: I would like to keep the bags, as I need some cargo capacity for Thunder. You are thinking of an external cradle, I was thinking of an internal cradle, in the shape of an L. I'll give it some thought, but what are you opinions on either...
  8. Falaholic

    Looking for input/advice on my saddle bag

    Decided to go ahead and purchase these saddle bags: Custom Bilt (Large) . Quality and craftmanship on these bags is between 'eh' and :barf:. Stitching is there, but threads are everywhere, but hey, 5 year warranty. Yea, I'm sure I'll be using it. So here is what they look like just draped on...
  9. Falaholic

    Simple Burnout Video

    South Florida humbly rejects your insight.
  10. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    Wanted to throw this out there. How are we going to recognize everyone there, from the forum? Is there going to be a VMF station, name tags, signs on our back?
  11. Falaholic

    Carby photos available

    Be nice if you could post it up for the masses.
  12. Falaholic

    My two babes... Yeti and Grizzly

    Sweet mother of re-size:
  13. Falaholic

    Can't find Köstritzer Schwarzbier in 5L Mini Kegs

    Geeze, this time around, spent the good part of the morning calling international stores/supermarkets...nothing. Even called the main distributor only to go to voicemail over and over. No one mentioned that chomping at the bit, the bit was a freaking mountain.
  14. Falaholic

    Can't find Köstritzer Schwarzbier in 5L Mini Kegs

    Thanks, no go. Called them last week. I have a location not too far from me. They haven't carried it since 2013.
  15. Falaholic

    Can't find Köstritzer Schwarzbier in 5L Mini Kegs

    Thanks, but no go. Yup, called them last week. Even had the gentleman call his distributor, and other distributors. Can't seem to find it here in my state.
  16. Falaholic

    Can't find Köstritzer Schwarzbier in 5L Mini Kegs

    Seems that it is a NE thing. I've spent the good part of a week looking for 5L mini kegs of this stuff: If anyone has these available in their area, or knows of a place that has and ships, please let me know.
  17. Falaholic

    Biker gang shooting, TX

    Good call. Cops and Glocks; Polygonal rifling. Not going to turn up on forensics. Wouldn't be surprised if they spin it as biker using Ghost guns.
  18. Falaholic

    Biker gang shooting, TX

    lol, couldn't agree with you more.
  19. Falaholic

    Biker gang shooting, TX

    Jade Helm... TX... :ummm: