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  1. Falaholic

    Headlight Replacement

    Just wanted to chime in on this. I've had the LED unit for ~6 months. Driven in the rain plenty of times; S. Fla. Still tickin...
  2. Falaholic

    FS: 2003 Vmax Differential - ~20K - $100

    Selling my 2003 Vmax diff. About 20K on it. Will ship. Pick up available in Palm Beach, Fla. $100
  3. Falaholic

    If you have an iPhone, try this...

    Go to your photos. Tap on the magnifying glass. Type: "Fire" . What does it reveal? This is for those that don't tag their photos. Pretty freaky, huh.
  4. Falaholic

    Pulling in the clutch, on an incline, 1 second to disengage

    I had to ask this question here. When I park my bike on an incline, I always leave it in gear. I noticed that, while in gear, when I pull in the clutch it takes a solid second for the clutch to disengage, then for the bike to begin to roll back. Is this normal?
  5. Falaholic

    rocket 3 vs Vmax

    I was going to come in here and state, "I put my money on the Rocket". But after seeing launches, and reading their average 1/4 times, I'm shocked to see just how sluggish and slow they are. Surprising.
  6. Falaholic

    Like the Cheetah car? See the Dailu V-8

    Firemedic, MOAR. Prior to you posting about the Cheeta, I never knew about the car. Now that is on my bucket list, so long as they keep making kits for it. Now this. Gimme more.
  7. Falaholic

    Radiator Coolant / Antifreeze a crystalized big wad of goop!

    Found: Competition Cycle. What do I win?
  8. Falaholic

    Reefapalooza - South Florida to Orlando ride

    Now you see why I'm looking for another rider...side-by-side.
  9. Falaholic

    Reefapalooza - South Florida to Orlando ride

    Reefapalooza is this weekend. Wanted to see if any South Fla riders would be interested in a ride up and back the same day.
  10. Falaholic

    Jay Gleason Memorial Run-Drag Race

    So how was the race?
  11. Falaholic

    Throttle cable snapped - anyone got a write up

    Luckly wasn't too far from home; choked it back. Anyone got a write up on replacing the throttle cable? What particular part do I need? Any other maintenance I should do while I'm in there?
  12. Falaholic

    Rate my tire wear. Bridgestone Exedra 180/55/18

    Had them for about 2 years, would say around 7K.
  13. Falaholic

    Rate my tire wear. Bridgestone Exedra 180/55/18

    Tire pressure 40psi. I take turns to the point that I'm scraping the kickstand. Lowered 1" internally.
  14. Falaholic

    Jay Gleason Memorial Run-Drag Race

    Subscribed. 3hr ride, may just do it.
  15. Falaholic

    Steel Belt Separation?

    Almost forgot to mention. Met a guy at the shop that day on a '98 Vmax; exhaust and jetted. On thing that he told me. 24K miles on the clock...still original tires. I called BS over and over, yet he insisted they were the original. Hmmm, garage kept, clean, top speed 90mph? Is that the...
  16. Falaholic

    Steel Belt Separation?

    So I got my replacement tire installed Monday. Showed the installer why I was replacing the tire, and he too said he's never seen a tire do this. Upon removing my tire he came to me and addressed a possible reason why my belt was separating. He looked in the book and saw that the Vmax...
  17. Falaholic

    Steel Belt Separation?

    I see my error, thank you for correcting that.
  18. Falaholic

    Thunder 2017....lets roll with it!

    OMG I remember this (and I don't remember ****). Wasn't it on the passenger seat?
  19. Falaholic

    Steel Belt Separation?

    Thank you. I did find the DOB: 1012. So Feb 2012, and I bought/mounted the tire June 2016. Already 4 years old. After 5 calls to Corporate, and passes around, I was finally giving the number of the lead rep that handles these types of claims. After explaining to him the situation, and sending...