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  1. Falaholic

    Steel Belt Separation?

    Went outside and checked, there is no direct date o the side wall. Assuming that the serial number would dictate its DOB.
  2. Falaholic

    Steel Belt Separation?

    Dunlop's website states to contact the place of purchase; calling them tomorrow morning. There is plenty of tread depth. Even found a leak in one of the water channels.
  3. Falaholic

    Jay Gleason Passes away.

    Man, sucks to hear, but you know that man had an awesome life. Smiles for 1/4 miles.
  4. Falaholic

    Steel Belt Separation?

    Yesterday noticed the front tire skipping on the most moderate turns and curves. Pulled over, pumped the handlebars and noticed my sidewall flexing alot more than it should. Called it a night and headed home. Parked it and pumped it to 40psi, and went to bed. Woke up in the morn, and checked...
  5. Falaholic

    Shell Rotella T6, now with more unicorn seamen...

    The new formulation includes refined Leprechaun pee, the finest of Santa Clause pubes, and the softest grade of dragon testicles for your engine...
  6. Falaholic

    Oil analysis back from Blackstone Labs (Pic)

    Ok just just got off the phone with BS. Seems that the universal averages are no specific to the Vmax. They tried to get it as close to a V4, so they chose inline 4s. In other words Hyabusa, ZX14 etc. ; modern bikes. There are just not enough Vmax samples in their system to create a universal...
  7. Falaholic

    Oil analysis back from Blackstone Labs (Pic)

    The Fazer comes close in excessive wear, to my Vmax. The other oil samples are too new in value to accurately evaluate wear. To add, no mention of what type of oil was being used. I'm going to call BS Monday and see if their universal averages are actually based on consumers' samples ov Vmaxes...
  8. Falaholic

    Oil analysis back from Blackstone Labs (Pic)

    Well my results came back from Blackstone. This is the second oil analysis. The first one contained the oil from the PO, and could only assume it was Yamalube. The oil results from the 1st screening indicated alot of wear and silicon (bad or loose air filter) in the oil. Chaulked it up to...
  9. Falaholic

    Looking for huntin land in Florida

    Figured I'd ask here, as I've asked just about everywhere else. I'm looking for private hunting land in Florida. Looking to bag hogs mainly, but deer is also a good option. If you have or know anyone that has land in Fla, that is looking to get rid of pests, shoot me a PM. Many thanks in...
  10. Falaholic

    Headlight out

    Thank you for the link. I browsed through it, but gathered it mainly referenced the ignition switch, but it is my starter switch that is the culprit. Did I miss something?
  11. Falaholic

    Headlight out

    We have is indeed the starter button. Solution, just spray some WD40 in the grove or do I need to take it apart?
  12. Falaholic

    Headlight out

    Checked fuses, all good, even swapped swapped fuses. Checked for any voltage coming from the headlight plug; nothing. Ideas?
  13. Falaholic

    Binding in the throttle, what to look for?

    Noticed the other day that I developed play in my throttle; 1/4 turn before any engagement. Yesterday I pegged the throttle and it tightened up. So much so, that now sticks. What I also noticed now is that I do not believe that my throttle is opening up all the way. What should I look for to...
  14. Falaholic

    Thunder 2017....lets roll with it!

    I'm thinking of going. Dependent on if I find a roommate. Anyone looking for a roommate?
  15. Falaholic

    Anyone interested in doing an oil analysis?

    You could always keep a spot reserved for later, or if you have a vehicle that you want to know now, pull some oil out through the dipstick. The only time I ever head over that way is to go to Manatee for some distance plinking. Although if someone was heading out that way and wanted a riding...
  16. Falaholic

    Anyone interested in doing an oil analysis?

    5K in a conventional vehicle, on syn? I run one of my vehicles to 18K on full syn, all because of Blackstone. Been doing it for almost 100K, and the vehicle has 175K on it. So are you guys in?
  17. Falaholic

    Anyone interested in doing an oil analysis?

    Wanted to see if anyone on here would be interested in getting an oil analysis done on their Vmax or vehicle. Blackstone Labs has bulk prepaid deals; 6 samples done for $22, vs the $28 for single samples. I currently have 2 samples that need to go out, but was thinking if anyone would be...
  18. Falaholic

    Headlight Replacement

    This is the same issue I ran into. I omitted the rubber boot. From the looks of it, even with the boot included, water would manage to get into the fan area negating any protection from the boot. This would most likely cause a malfunction. I have ridden with it in a drizzle but not rain. I feel...
  19. Falaholic

    Where have all our Vmax Brothers gone

    Still here, just feeding the mod monkey.