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  1. Falaholic

    Old School and New

    Looks like your son had a nice Gen 2.
  2. Falaholic

    Anyone planning on going to Biketoberfest this year?

    Stayed longer than expected due to the weather. Eventually made it home ok. Haven't had a chance to tighten my handlebar mount before I left. Wish I could put a face to a handle, but I didn't really get many people's handles while I was there.
  3. Falaholic

    Anyone planning on going to Biketoberfest this year?

    I'm planning on going. Wanted to see if other Maxers were planning on going. Those of you in the NE of the US, you can always take the Auto Train in Lorton VA, then ride 45mins to Daytona.
  4. Falaholic

    Lily Camera - Awesome

    Saw this some time ago, and think it is awesome. There is one question that I had; obstacles. How does it avoid obstacles?
  5. Falaholic

    Award Request for vmax2extreme!

    ROFL. Yes +1 from me.
  6. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    That wasn't Todd? BTW, no Facebook <--- . Can you host the pics?
  7. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    Yes, no ethaol gas. $3.159 a gallon. I was incorrect in my mileage. 209 was the trip; straight shot. Stopped for lunch, detour for rain. IIRC 220 was my mileage.
  8. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    Well guys I finally made it back home. Got off the Auto Train at 8:30AM today, 30 min ahead of schedule. Filled up at the WaWa just around the corner from the station with pure gas, and my 2 gallon fuel jug. Then made my way to Mims and down 95. Stopped in Palm Bay for lunch; Bob...
  9. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    This was the first Thunder for me. Arriving it was gloomy, but everything picked up when I heard that Tod actually made it just in time for breakfast at the Coal Miners Dinner:
  10. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    Please,please, someone bring grip glue.
  11. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    Got a buddy an hour West of Sommerset. Been saying that it has be downpours all the last couple of weeks, and is expecting the same this week.
  12. Falaholic

    Any advice on what to pack/carry for the trip to Thunder

    Wanted to ask the vets what they recommend I take with me for the trip up to Thunder. This will be my first long distance trip.
  13. Falaholic

    Award Request for customizedcreationz! --AWARDED--

    Re: Award Request for customizedcreationz! ^^^ This ^^^ and this... Yes.
  14. Falaholic

    Thunder in the Valley 2015

    Perhaps more on this?
  15. Falaholic

    Well my 1988 Vmax is no more.... acciddent

    So there is no indication? No ability to recover? Just bail the bike?
  16. Falaholic

    Well my 1988 Vmax is no more.... acciddent

    Was there any indication that something was about to happen or go South? I have always been under the impression that if the engine were to seize you'd have just enough time to react and pull in the clutch. As for the tranny, if it failed and locked up, is there ever indication that it is...
  17. Falaholic

    Well my 1988 Vmax is no more.... acciddent

    Man, so glad your ok. I am at a loss for words as to what could have happened. The bike, well its a bike, that is what the insurance company is for. Seeing your abilities posted on the form, I feel you are one of those people that could get it back on the road.
  18. Falaholic

    Oil Drain Cracked

    And this is why I like this forum. Come the apocalypse, VMaxes will be rule the roads.
  19. Falaholic

    Those of you getting ~40mpg...

    Got another MPG reading today. With no windshield and doing 70-75, I get around 36. Seem that 65 is that magical number.