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  1. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    how do i get that 160 out of there? lefty loosey, and it's not caught int he threads, but it's just too tight in there. may never have been out since install long time ago when the dude put in the stage 1 kit. could try pushing air through but assume that won't work.... i had no idea about any...
  2. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    Alright, thanks Trauama. I'll keep that table on file. You're right, when i had carbs rebuilt by someone else (never happening again) he did put in stage 1. the springs from diaphragm cover are 7" I think, so that's wrong, ****... maybe they're 5, i'll confirm after work i suppose. As for the...
  3. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    Sooooooooo, here we go, taking apart all the carbs, again. Good thing is there are lots of new parts, so far so good. Lemme just double check a few things here. tHE jet that goes on the jet block is not the 150 or 160 correct? The jet that goes under the slide/diaphragm cover is the 150...
  4. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    Everyone says to go with 1 1/8" distance from float to inside of carb body, so I guess that's waht I tried to do. For some reason my measuring is yielding a richer setting when I wet tested it. I'm gonna try to obtain that 17mm (wet test results) for a leaner mix, as recommended on here I...
  5. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    I took the carbs apart piece by piece and cleaned them out, replaced several gaskets, orings and a few parts, jets etc after cleaning the metal parts with carb cleaner, pretty much scrub and rub a dub. At that time I was on here of course and someone mentioned an ultrasonic, so I bought one of...
  6. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    Good morning Vmaxers, I will not be starting off this overcast a.m. with great news. Quite the contrary actually. Broke the carb rack down to the 2 pairs. set on level surface, adjusted the float height, did the 1 1/8" approach. Put the float covers back on and pushed the carb pairs onto the...
  7. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    better pic, thanks! Let ya'll know how it goes tonight.
  8. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    ok thanks. so sounds like I just need to get it close. re-install, do wet test, take apart, adjust, etc etc. ugh.. frickin hell ok. well i'll get that done today and report back. thnx guys, you are all the true masters. can I do a wet test without installing back on bike? I'm assuming ya...
  9. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    Thanks Yep, looks familiar. So that measurement (if not going by the circle edge on a circle) is from the float down... but see how the body is curved at that exact point? the inside corner is kinda curved, so how does one get an accurate measurement and consistent?. just a thought... how do...
  10. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    Yeah i did guys, thanks. Thanks for all your help too everyone. Is it not clear what I did given the photos I took? I rotated the best one see you all can see. What you can't see is that the top of the clear tubing is lined up with the mark on the carb body. Someone should compile a GOOD wet...
  11. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    right at the line on the carb body.
  12. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    OK I'm obviously donig the test correctly as per Madcmb's directions. Someone please provide me with the proper next step. LIke I said. take carb rack out now and tweak the float levels? Is there an easier proper way to do this aside from taking the carbs completely separate and apart...
  13. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    ok guys update. did the whole wet float test. so here's a bit of info that woulda been nice to know.. the O.D. of the drain tube is 1/4". I found a piece of clear plastic tubing with a 3/16" I.D. Gotta squeeze that in there but got a good seal. Here are the pics. they are Carbs 2,1,3,4...
  14. radley

    My Vmax performing like a 500cc

    The manual says I have to use some sort of gauge that I don't have, gives a part number but says to hook up to float bowl drain and loosen up fuel bowl screw, then start the engine for a while, well.. I STILL don't get how to measure fuel levels, the descriptions just don't seem to cut it for...
  15. radley

    2nd gear fix advice

    Bummer, i have a 85 that needs a tranny fix as well. Was hoping we could team up and you fix yours while i fix mine. chances are that your 85 will be collecting dust for many yrs to come. just sell it now and get what you can for it.
  16. radley

    85 Vmax

    so i should basically put any money towards a diff bike then and not mine..... dangit!
  17. radley

    Need new battery

    So in summary, is there a write-up to make the upgrades you did with parts and etc? It's early enough. You guys know this bike, I don't, even though I've had it for 17 years. Is this electrical stuff, also getting COPS or wahtever they are? I remember BM told me plenty of times to get rid of...
  18. radley

    Need new battery

    I appreciate your kind words Bill, and I wish they were true. I know nothing about the electrical systems of this bike. I'm barely getting to know it at all. I changed all fluids last year for the first time ever. I've rebuilt the carbs twice, much better the second time. I switched out and...
  19. radley

    Need new battery

    Ok, did the research, sounds like I'll be doing the cutting away. Seems like the increase in cca is the way to go and Yamaha shoulda done this a long time ago. One question though, for those of you who did this and aren't using a more expensive battery like the Odyssey Pc680, do you end up...
  20. radley

    Need new battery

    SEARCHED for the bigger battery mod. can't find it typing in gold wing battery mod . just some threads where others have done it.