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  1. N

    Bangs from exhaust at 3500rpm

    Hi guys, I've got my replacement needle, did shotgun again. Result is the same, left back cylinder does not fire up. Tomorrow I will borrow pro compression test tool and try that idea with oil in plug hole. Can valve clearance be checked on left back cylinder without taking engine out? Vlada
  2. N

    Bangs from exhaust at 3500rpm

    I was really gentle when i checked the number of turns before completely tightened. What worries me now is if that needle tip got somehow into cylinder and caused that lower compression? Vlada
  3. N

    Bangs from exhaust at 3500rpm

    Seems that tool I used for checking is a bit weird. Checked with two more and in 3 cylinders i have 10 kg/cm2 and in that problematic i have 8 kg/cm2. Definitely it is bit lower then other 3 but it should not be the reason for not working. Can you tell me if idle screw in this carb is ok...
  4. N

    Bangs from exhaust at 3500rpm

    30 000 miles, but i am not the first owner so who knows. Will remove engine soon and hope it is just valve. Vlada
  5. N

    Bangs from exhaust at 3500rpm

    Bad news :( Finally got compression testing tool and checked. On cylinder that is not working and produces those bangs i have 3 kg/cm2 (50psi). Measured two other cylinders and they have around 8-9 kg/cm2 (110-120psi). Seems i will have to take engine out and check if valves in engine head are...
  6. N

    Bangs from exhaust at 3500rpm

    Correct! That was the issue with one carb. Spring was not sitting well. Was wondering if it is ok to put another smaller filter before main one? Will that damage fuel pump? Also, do you know what fuel pressure should this pump produce? Want to take it to a service center for a quick check but...
  7. N

    Bangs from exhaust at 3500rpm

    Check this video: One carb sounds weird when i push slider. I would say that carbs were never cleaned in this 20 years so i decided to open them completely and check how things inside look like. You can never give too...
  8. N

    Bangs from exhaust at 3500rpm

    Yes i will have to clean carbs and entire fuel line, flushed floaters and bunch of dirt came out. Noticed one more thing. If you check this image: you can see that there is some fuel around the diaphragm (moved it few...
  9. N

    Bangs from exhaust at 3500rpm

    I've seen this COPS but to be honest all was ok since now and did not want to "repair while all works". Will try to find some Vmax around me to check the strength of spark. Will try that idea with carbs. tnx Vlada
  10. N

    Bangs from exhaust at 3500rpm

    Hi guys, my old chap Vmax '97 has some issues :) Not sure if problem is in carbs but it smells like it. Few weeks ago it started to have low power on low revs. For example, if i am in first gear and moving up from complete stop, it takes quite a lot of throttle to make it go. Last weekend I...
  11. N

    Strange noise in low rpm

    :):):):):):):) Fixed! Two screws that hold rubber hose between two right carbs were the problem. Tightened that up and noise is gone!!!!! On the road again!! :) Thank you mate!!!!! Vlada
  12. N

    Strange noise in low rpm

    Yes sound is still there. Pulling clutch makes no difference.
  13. N

    Strange noise in low rpm

    Here are the videos: :( Strange thing is that now carb sound is gone and this sound started to show up like 30-40 seconds after i started vmax.
  14. N

    Strange noise in low rpm

    Strange noise in low rpm (solved) Hi guys, since today my vmax 1200 '97 speaks some strange noise on low rpm (900-1100). First squeaking noise comes out between front and right cylinders under the carbs.When I add some throttle noise goes away. Similar kind of noise also on low rpm comes...
  15. N

    Rear (swing) arm

    Thank you. All parts were there just i did not made a note during disassemble and that space between swing arm and frame was a "possible problem" for me.
  16. N

    Rear (swing) arm

    Found it, I was blind. Thank you guys :) :) :)
  17. N

    Rear (swing) arm

    Thank you mate :) I was already having thoughts that frame was somehow damaged. I was not able to find in the service manual the order of tightening screws. What should side should be tightened first? Left or right side? Tnx!
  18. N

    Rear (swing) arm

    Checked and I did not mix them. Cleaned thread again on right side and now bold goes out to fix swingarm. Now there is no left-right movement of swing arm but there is still lot of space between swing arm and frame. Not sure if that is ok. Can someone confirm that please. Tnx
  19. N

    Rear (swing) arm

    Hi guys, just came to part where I need to assemble rear swing arm and something does not look ok. There is too much space between frame and rear arm. Spacers are there but when i tighten both screws swing arm has some free left-right movement, around 5 mm. My frame was sandblasted and swing...
  20. N

    Air filter hose no2

    Guys thank you a lot :) :)