Huh, we’ll I’m looking for a bypass assembly valve (oil filter cover bolt). No one has them and no date as to when they can get one. Would you happen to have one you would sell? The previous owner buggered mine up so bad I’m not sure I can get it off.
Agree with 02GF74. Start it up and make sure all 4 cylinders are firing. A couple times I was running in three because the left rear cylinder fouled the plug.
I don’t know know why they didn’t make them 6 speed transmission with 6th being “overdrive”. That would certainly help on the highway, right? And both gen’s have plenty of power to pull another gear.
Changed out the clutch slave cylinder this morning. With my son wrenching and me reading the most excellent instructions from Fire-Medic (thanks a ton...again!!) it only took a couple hours if you include getting the 36 year old gasket material off. 1 hour without that issue. But it runs and...
In '84 my buddy was riding a CB650 and I a '72 H2750. My brother totaled my H2 so I bought a brand new leftover '82 Nighthawk, a step up from the CB. So my buddy went out and bought a new '84 V-65 Magna. A huge step up for him. He smoked me constantly, of course. Then the Vmax came
I would check oil level, coolant level, brake fluid level, air up the tires, make sure it will stop and take it for a short ride. Watch temp gauge. It may clean itself out and run fine.