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  1. RadiumPHX

    1st Gen V-Max The adventure begins

    Update: Rain in the forecast so the max is inside. Finally got a decent compression tester and got the following results (opinions welcome). 9/18/21 Vmax 1200 Compression results cyl 1 dry 155 wet 165 cyl 2 dry 150 wet 165 cyl 3 dry 152 wet 165 cyl 4 dry 160 wet 170 50 miles on plugs Plugs...
  2. RadiumPHX

    Just got it going

    I had a 85 Madura 1200, it got stolen in 2010. very comparable to the V65, carbs were a PIA to get in/out. Got it for song from an old man done riding.
  3. RadiumPHX

    Just got it going

    Hopefully you don't run into the V65 leak, the clutch push rod seal. I am working that one right now.
  4. RadiumPHX

    $2 exhaust seal from Walmart, will install tomorrow.

    Not to mention the possibility of contamination of valves/seals/rings from small particles of the steel/stainless wool. Not something I would want 10ft from a running engine.
  5. RadiumPHX

    $2 exhaust seal from Walmart, will install tomorrow.

    A bit of 12 gauge solid copper wire, tap the ends a bit to flatten, overlap the ends and form into a loop. I've used this as a quick cheap fix in lieu of an OEM gasket. You can flatten a bit with a bench vise and two small steel plates.
  6. RadiumPHX

    Now we're talking ...

    The ZL900/1000s are rare birds nowadays! I remember the ads for them, Rule the boulevard with the "Eliminator".
  7. RadiumPHX

    Now we're talking ...

    I'm still in the hunt for the 81-83' KZ1000
  8. RadiumPHX

    Now we're talking ...

    I really like my 84 ZN1100. Basically the KZ1100 Spectre shaft drive carb'd. The photo is when I picked it up, It now has a Delkevic 4-1 and Daytona handlebars.
  9. RadiumPHX


    Let's first address your illogical bridge of the two terms "Individualist" and "Narcissist" Individualism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology and social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual. Individualists promote the exercise of one's goals and desires and...
  10. RadiumPHX

    Motorycle For Sale burgundy 85 needs work

    It does say "Not Running". Certainly bring a compression tester and VOM. $1200 is pretty high for a non-runner with no history and she looks a bit rusty in places.
  11. RadiumPHX

    Motorycle For Sale burgundy 85 needs work

    Yeah! I'd hop on that in a jiffy!
  12. RadiumPHX

    Motorycle For Sale burgundy 85 needs work

    So keep this thought in mind, this is a liquid cooled bike that has sat for 20 years. I doubt the coolant was drained. Chances are more likely than not that this motor is gonna need a full tear down to the cases. If I keep thinkin about it I may just talk myself out of it (but not likely, I need...
  13. RadiumPHX

    Motorycle For Sale burgundy 85 needs work

    You are absolutely correct, one could part it out and then be left with a bike that will sit for the next 20 years. Looking from the perspective of reviving the bike, left outside for 2 years and not started in 20 it is a different story. It will take a few thousand and quite a bit of time to...
  14. RadiumPHX

    Motorycle For Sale burgundy 85 needs work

    I'll do $300 and come get it and dig it out of the blackberries
  15. RadiumPHX

    Motorycle For Sale burgundy 85 needs work

    Im gonna try the Soda paste, took before pics and will post both before n after:) I'm hopeful! It is slathered on really thick and waiting an hour:)
  16. RadiumPHX

    Motorycle For Sale burgundy 85 needs work

    Not "too bad" but I see lots of the white corrosion on the cases which I am still trying to figure out on mine how to remove. that stuff is pretty resilient and I fear it will need a full tear down, sandblasting and re-paint (on mine). I've tried multiple "products", cleaners, vinegar, CLR and...
  17. RadiumPHX

    Motorycle For Sale burgundy 85 needs work

    I'd be willing to come and "save it" if it is a give away, have my own truck and trailer.