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  1. max_caper

    More Ontario Pics

    I look forward to seeing more of your pics too! Blaine
  2. max_caper

    6th Annual Spring Ice Breaker

    Have a great, safe event folks! Cheers! Blaine
  3. max_caper

    More Ontario Pics

    Thanks...all that's missing is a VMax in the pics! We had tons of rain in the last month here. We only started having warm, dry weather in the last week or so. I grew up Nova Scotia a stone's throw from the ocean which is probably why I like pictures with water in the background. I live in...
  4. max_caper

    More Ontario Pics

    I live close to Canada's largest city but it's nice to be able to ride as little as an hour north and enjoy scenes like this! Blaine
  5. max_caper

    507 Ride

    Wow! I am definately going to have to plan a ride to your area...beautiful! Blaine
  6. max_caper

    507 Ride

    You're welcome and thank you for the kind words. I am looking forward to seeing your ride pics...must be beautiful in your area. Cheers! Blaine
  7. max_caper

    507 Ride

    Had an awesome ride on Hwy 507 yesterday. Mostly sunny with heavy rain in a few places. The frog toggs kept me dry and the Roadsmart radials performed well. Blaine
  8. max_caper

    6th Annual Spring Ice Breaker

    Funny stuff, Dale! Blaine
  9. max_caper

    6th Annual Spring Ice Breaker

    It can get pricey to spend multiple weekends away in a short period of time. Friday the 13th, Icebreaker, and Thunder all are about a month apart. Gas, hotels, vacation time don't come cheap...a fellow has to pick and choose carefully these days to get the most out of their riding budget. Blaine
  10. max_caper

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    I am glad to hear that there was no US losses during this raid and I hope they get to come home soon and celebrate with their families. Blaine
  11. max_caper

    6th Annual Spring Ice Breaker

    Won't be there this year, Jim. I made plans for Friday the 13th in Port Dover this May and can't see myself riding to the same spot 3 weeks later. I don't like the superslab that much! Have fun and ride safe! Blaine
  12. max_caper

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Dropped a tooth on the front sprocket and added a Gorilla alarm. Had the rectifier replaced as per the recall. Looking forward to some riding this weekend! Blaine
  13. max_caper

    Suzuki recall notice

    Only took 1 week for the inverter/recifier part to arrive at my dealership. As per the recall notice, the parts and labour are free to me. Cheers! Blaine
  14. max_caper

    An Inconvenient Truth

    I appreciate your insights on a difficult topic too, 85 MAX-fan. Considering I am the one questioning the politics of your country I am glad you were not offended by an outsider's opinions/questions. I wish I had more to offer to this topic because it has been good to hear the opinions of...
  15. max_caper

    An Inconvenient Truth

    Is it fair to say that there is a greater probability of US military intervention in countries with oil reserves over those that have none? It was stated in this thread that the US sat out Rwanda and Cambodia. Blaine
  16. max_caper

    An Inconvenient Truth

    I've heard of compressed air for use in warehouse vehicles but didn't know they had a range this far! I just watched "Who killed the Electric Car". This film really points to a conspiracy to keep us dependent on oil. I'm sure it's no coincidence that many high-level politicians either have...
  17. max_caper

    An Inconvenient Truth

    I really enjoyed these articles. Makes a lot of sense! Blaine
  18. max_caper

    An Inconvenient Truth

    Interesting theory...govt creates fear, sells it to the public, public swallows it, govt uses the fear as a tool to complete its agenda, public backs b/c it protects them from terrorists. Who'd belive it?! Blaine
  19. max_caper

    An Inconvenient Truth

    You are free to vote. After that, the Govt decides. Obama-care is proof of that. Blaine
  20. max_caper

    An Inconvenient Truth

    Thank-you for you opinion on where you'd spend your nation's money. That's all I was wondering. We will have to agree to disagree on the best place to spend our tax money both as a couple of individuals as two different nations. I would choose to care for my own over an idea that military...