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  1. T

    Random thoughts..

    Never found SH 775 with your posted link, could you give the direct link?
  2. T

    Where is that RPM Tach output signal

    This is the grey wire behind tach...
  3. T

    SH775 Series Regulator source.

    I was tired but not at this level, i found the website, but no way to find the SH775, the internal search engine doesnt give a ******* good result.... So if you can give the direct link, it will be done ;)
  4. T

    SH775 Series Regulator source.

    maybe tired but cannot found it, could you write the direct link?
  5. T

    Standard vmax to vboost

    Yes you can buy the K&N stock style filter. Standard plugs are fine : NGK DPR8EA9 How many discs on your Trapps? At least 8 per side. If less you can buy more discs ;)
  6. T

    Standard vmax to vboost

    This is not a full exhaust line with big headers, keep your airbox stock.
  7. T

    Standard vmax to vboost

    No, you have to add some wires : A +12V after key ignitioon A Ground A wire connected to Tachymeter grey wire (for triggering the Vboost controller) Don't go to stage 7 unless you ve got a full exhaut line with bigger primaries.
  8. T

    Jet block advice

    You should check the sparkplug wires, and try another Ignition box. I had similar **** with bad sparkplug wires ;)
  9. T

    Marks exhaust question

    Thank you to remember ;)
  10. T

    2001 Vmax exhaust end caps

    Otec makes similar ones ;)
  11. T

    Does anyone make a seat/backrest for driver,gen2 ??

    CMS, the french specialist of VMax makes some V2 seats :
  12. T

    Lots o tuning, with a Q

    No reaction => Cyl 3 is not working. Youve got a false good sync (even a dead cylinder makes vaccum) -Idle circuit clogged -butterfly too much closed.
  13. T

    Marks exhaust question

    Sean could you check this if you have this stuff in stock?
  14. T

    What is the Best Mod Ever on a Vmax?

    Best bang for the bucks : Solid motor mounts Best mod but pricey : 17" wheels and radial tire + fork mod
  15. T

    Iridium plugs

    There is no reason to notice any difference if thermal indice is good.
  16. T

    New Bling for my Max, help me choose.

    Otec sells "Vstacks" too, whit clear bottom (you can see the slides working) ;) I reduced the rear one because the stack edge is right on the inside of my knees.. I think it will be the same with yours Vstacks.
  17. T

    Iridium plugs

    Not only radio, but other electronic devices. My SASY was not working with non resistor plugs, it was blinking ligne e Christmas tree...
  18. T

    Marks exhaust question

    What is the OD of the terminal collectors? I
  19. T

    idle sound

    Mine does not charge under 900.
  20. T

    Wins 10 advantages/disadvantages

    Spies can be blocked No way to manage updates, so for me that means no control. The last update of the WIFI card make it inoperant with my netbox.. I remember win7 2 or 3 updates that totally ****** up my PC, since many years i choose manually all the updates. Not possible with this new OS...