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  1. DocDoom

    Clutch Return Hole

    Well I poked at it. The fluid is just below the lower line when cold. The lack of geisering could be the same because of cold. The pin did not go in very far and I tried quite a few gauges. IDK, I'm gonna say maybe 3-5 millimeters or so. We'll see. I'll keep everyone apprised if the reaming...
  2. DocDoom

    Clutch Return Hole

    Thanks a bunch. Yeah it's not the oil I don't think I'm running the rotella t4 from here.
  3. DocDoom

    Clutch Return Hole

    Yessir, I'll replace those next if this doesn't resolve it.
  4. DocDoom

    Clutch Return Hole

    Yessir, will do. The fluid is clean, no telling what level of deterioration in the lines is though, as I changed it right after getting the bike it hasn't had enough time to give me that indicator of detritus from the lines. Does the cover usually go on without much fanfare on these models or...
  5. DocDoom

    Clutch Return Hole

    Hey all, Merry Christmas Eve and happy holidays to those to which the former doesn't apply. I've got a question on the clutch. Symptoms: when hot and only when hot slips like a bitch, this is exacerbated by excess clutch use such as stop and go traffic. Make your way around stopped vehicle...
  6. DocDoom

    Anybody hear of the Easy Inject Kit for the Vmax 1200?

    I wasn't sure if it was just a crappily turned product until one of the closeups. It is 3d printed, and poorly. So, ABS degrades at 80 when it's always at 80 but doesn't transition until like 100-105c. I'm not sure the temp is the sticking point on those parts, also there are exotic filaments...
  7. DocDoom

    The five best and worst mods to a vmax?

    Also looks like they're made cheaper by another company. Motorcycle Tendable Folding Adjustment Brake Clutc Brake Adjustable Levers for V-MAX VMAX 1200 1985-2007
  8. DocDoom

    Oil Filter Question

    So, for anyone else who might encounter this question. It would appear that even though the specified filter is listed for outboard applications and certain sites like RevZilla/partzilla/v star perf show it only working on Gen 2 vmaxes .. Yamaha has the following part...
  9. DocDoom

    Oil Filter Question

    Anybody running the oil filter shown here? Yamaha Genuine OEM Marine Outboard Oil Filter Yamaha Part# 5GH-13440-71-00 Genuine Yamaha Part - Pack of 1 (I think the 70 is a replacement for the 71 and that's what showed up) ... It screws in place alright, but the fitment...
  10. DocDoom

    1994 Vmax dying under load

    I didn't. If it could come apart and get soaked or if it could get replaced it was; there was no further breakdown possible without a hydraulic press. The repeat offender was the rust particulate, which is why an external tank worked consistently and the primary worked for about fifteen minutes...
  11. DocDoom

    Question/Sanity Checking on Upcoming clutch job.

    First effort on a vmax, 1000%. I must say for making the clutch a weak point they did make it very accessible. Harleys I've done need like special tools to remove bearings etc, less fun. Is yamabond really a common thing for this?
  12. DocDoom

    Gasket woes... needing some advice.

    Resurrecting just for anyone who hates gaskets as much as me soldering tips are made up of a lot of soft alloy including copper, if you use a chisel tip which is dull and it gets over 500 degrees F it will yield to aluminum and not scratch it. I wouldn't get crazy with stabbing at it but you can...
  13. DocDoom

    Question/Sanity Checking on Upcoming clutch job.

    Hey everyone I made a video of the job, not that I've made one before so it probably sucks. Everything was alright but the gasket was really caked on so I used a heat gun on the cover because aluminum heats evenly like that and a soldering iron with a copper alloy tip on the engine side. It...
  14. DocDoom

    1994 Vmax dying under load

    I dig the gas gauge, I've been brainstorming ways to integrate one so that it isn't fugly. The light is fine but ethanol-free fuel is hard to find here so I'm often topping up with gas cans etc. Nice setup.
  15. DocDoom

    1994 Vmax dying under load

    Take em apart, replace all seals and rubber, remove and soak anything metal or anything soak tolerant in caustic solution, compressed air. After the first time they took a dump and refilled with rust back on the bike... like on the order of seconds to minutes, doing the same again and firing on...
  16. DocDoom

    Question/Sanity Checking on Upcoming clutch job.

    I appreciate it. I've been taking videos and photos of the job, started yesterday. Everything seems pretty straightforward except the gasket was old enough to buy beer so soon enough I'll finish plastic scraping and get everything back together.
  17. DocDoom

    Question/Sanity Checking on Upcoming clutch job.

    Yes, I checked that one out and will definitely be using it. My confusion was the terminology vs what is in the manual/diagrams. It turns out after really digging into the forums and asking around that basically the 2 metal things behind the half plate must go(the cushion spring is...
  18. DocDoom

    1994 Vmax dying under load

    This happened to me for a different reason. I did rebuild and clean the carbs as well, but there was super fine rust particulate making it through the fuel filter (and the second one I added) that would mess up the carbs and apparently not affect the pilot jets: causing as described stumbling...
  19. DocDoom

    Question for the Clutch experts

    So the clutch boss spring/spring seat are behind the retaining wire? I guess called 'spring cushion' and 'plate seat' by yamaha. So basically it is just bare basket on the new full width disk? The cushion spring I've seen around on youtube not much about the plate seat.
  20. DocDoom

    Question/Sanity Checking on Upcoming clutch job.

    Some dude on YouTube removed the plate seat (6) when adding the full. I don't see that advice anywhere here so that's why I asked.