Vmax is outstanding by design, by performance, by attitude. If you choose to buy Vmax you are an outcast, just be yourself and be proud that no one else own it in your bar. And I love when people starring at my bike. Harleys are good bikes, but they lack individuality. Does not matter how much...
Bought and installed this round taillights http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AWHOGYM/ref=cm_cr_ryp_prd_img_sol_0. I was looking for round design for taillights - was thinking of doing them from the scratch, but found this on Amazon. Quality is poor, but they are hidden undertail and actually...
Some people say that all junk from the bottom of the tank can go into fuel line while on the reserve. But there is fuel filter anyway. My Ninja 900, 1998 manual states that when reserve is ON - supplies gas to engine only when its running. So can take longer to start a bike when carb is dry.