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  1. N

    Carb spitting fuel

    ok it did it again! anyone got any measurements so i can check to see if the float pin is bent the float clears everything while the carb is apart the only thing i can see is that is left is that it it hitting the cover and wedging open
  2. N

    Marks 4-2 made my A/F ratio rich?

    Sean is the man, with his parts and advice (along with ppl here) i was able to rebuild my own carbs. just finished them today. it took 2 goes at it, the first time i had this guy...... this time i took my time and didnt cut corners im confident all will be well. i was completly carbaphobic b4...
  3. N

    Carb spitting fuel

    no airbox previous owner had done alot to the bike in its 33k miles. what all has been done im not sure. but installing 4 k&n filters and ditching the airbox was one of the upgrades. what was the stock exhaust on my 95. its got a kerker 4into1 on it now. sucsess !!!! bike runs and isnt...
  4. N

    Still cant tune my carbs

    ok i was just wondering cause it sounded like a horror story and i had my carbs apart rejetting and rebuilding them
  5. N

    one throttle cable after splitter?

    so ive torn into my carbs a second time this month trying to repair them. that should be good this time i worked alone. im preparing to install them and i knowticed that there is only one cable coming from the splitter. it is indeed the pull side. it was like this b4. the linkage snaps back just...
  6. N

    Carb spitting fuel

    just about done with the carbs again this time i brought them inside and took my time. i had done a crap job setting the floats to the mold mark on the jet block. this time i broke out the calipers. replaced the floats needles seats and the whole shibang. diaphrams are new as well as the...
  7. N

    float needle seats

    i allready changed all 4 to be sure cause i had um. (i allready failed to fix um once dont really enjoy doing things over and over without a solution)i put a cap screw on the top and drove them and the brass plug out of the carb. reinstalled them with a hammer and rights sized nut driver. every...
  8. N

    float needle seats

    answer beat the h@#! out of it i was either brave or dumb and found out
  9. N

    float needle seats

    i have a carb that will not quit flooding no mater what so while im in it the 3rd time id like to replace the seat. ...... um how in the bejesus does one remove that thing
  10. N

    Still cant tune my carbs

    did you ever figure this bike out or did you just give up
  11. N

    Replacing Carb Diaphragms

    ok upon disassembleing my old slides i broke two of them :bang head:. so does anyone have a few gently used ones laying around that they would help a man out with?
  12. N

    idea of value of my max,please

    I come on down to north carolina ill pay for the trip and your lodgeing and we can have a private auction here in my yard of which ill be the only one attending. as to the op i just paid 3000 for a 95 that is in great shape other than a carb rebuild that is starting round 2 attempt 2 in about...
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    NC Maxxers say Hi

    im in nc about an hour west of ashville
  14. N

    Carb spitting fuel

    ok anyone got any suggestions that even after a good soak and scrub that it might still be spitting fuel im going to give it another go this coming weekend just wondering what things i should pay more attention to
  15. N

    Replacing Carb Diaphragms

    i have searched egay and cant seem to pinpoint the guy would somebody shoot me a pm with his contact info
  16. N

    Carb spitting fuel

    ok i got a kit from sean and did the rebuild it took me two days to get it done and now its worse it was an epic fail
  17. N

    temp gauge not functioning

    Thank you all i shall go thru it this weekend. how do know the water pump is good
  18. N

    tail light bulbs

    is it a single or a dual
  19. N

    tail light bulbs

    so i wanted to order me some new bulbs that resided inside the tail light housing. its raining cats and dogs and the stupid hayes manual doesnt specify what bulb to get. does anyone know what the bulb numbers are so i dont have to go play in the rain
  20. N

    temp gauge not functioning

    I ordered the lower temp sensor from the vmax outlaw site its also on the shelf with the new panasonic battery and the t boost mod