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  1. VmaxVboost

    Parting out a 2000 Gen 1 Max

    Bump. More flexible on the prices. Make an offer. Brian
  2. VmaxVboost

    Parting out a 2000 Gen 1 Max

    Desert Tank, Thanks for the interest. I've updated the web page with photos, and also attached the same photos here. The parts bike for sale has been covered outside. Zeus36, I found a PDF file in my archives. I've owned a Gen 1 since year 2000, so I searched my computer files. Thanks...
  3. VmaxVboost

    Adding an auxiliary fuse block

    I recently bought a very lightly used Gen 1 Vmax (5,000 miles). I am parting out my old Gen 1. I installed an additional 6 slot fuse block I bought on eBay for $20 See attached photos. Right now, I am using 4 of the 6 slots, and I mounted it under the rear seat...plenty of room for a...
  4. VmaxVboost

    Parting out a 2000 Gen 1 Max

    Hey Zeus36, Thank you for the compliment. As mentioned in my post above, I'm gonna pass on setting other people up with the web page design. Sorry. It is not straight forward, and took me a really long time (several days). Ride safe, Brian
  5. VmaxVboost

    Parting out a 2000 Gen 1 Max

    Fire-medic, Thanks for the compliment. I was debating whether to sell the actual web page set up, but the actual implementation is not straight forward and easy. To get the final web page requires a four step process that is difficult to explain to someone. Brian
  6. VmaxVboost

    Parting out a 2000 Gen 1 Max

    Thanks, Fire-medic. Your parts shipped today. I will email you the tracking number Brian
  7. VmaxVboost

    Parting out a 2000 Gen 1 Max

    Sorry about the hiccups for the email address. Other Vmaxer's have been able to reach me using this email address. Please try again. The email address does work. Thanks for the compliments on the web page. It took me a long time, but worth it.
  8. VmaxVboost

    Parting out a 2000 Gen 1 Max

    I created a web site to manage this part out. The web address is If I do not get right back to you, I plan on checking this once per day. My email is [email protected] Please reply with item number and price from the web page. Many thanks to Sean...
  9. VmaxVboost

    Spark plug soaked in fuel, stuck slider?

    Thanks for your input. I've decided to have dannymax rebuild the whole carb set. I have a long history of carb problems with this bike, and would love to have the problems solved for the next XX years. Brian
  10. VmaxVboost

    Spark plug soaked in fuel, stuck slider?

    Fire-medic, I agree, specially on an 18 year old bike with 73,000 miles. I guess I was waiting for someone to tell me what to do.
  11. VmaxVboost

    Spark plug soaked in fuel, stuck slider?

    Thanks dannymax What is the best fix for stuck needle or float? Seafoam? Remove carbs from bike, and clean in "machine shop parts cleaner"? Purchase rebuild kit for all four carbs, and make them like new? Brian
  12. VmaxVboost

    Spark plug soaked in fuel, stuck slider?

    Yes, the wet plug's coil has been replaced. I used a "Lisle 20610 Inline Spark Tester", bought from Amazon, and verified all four cylinders are getting voltage to the plugs. The tester is in series, in between the boot and the plug. After repeated boot disconnections and reinstallations, no...
  13. VmaxVboost

    Spark plug soaked in fuel, stuck slider?

    I have a 2000 Max with 73,000 miles on it, stock carbs, jets, and exhaust. For the last 4 months, it has been running as if one or two cylinders are not firing. At a red light, the idle will switch from perfect to a stutter (like a Harley), then back to perfect, within the same red light...
  14. VmaxVboost

    2013 for sale, 3,000 miles, factory warranty

    You Tube videos Rode the bike today. No issues.
  15. VmaxVboost

    2013 for sale, 3,000 miles, factory warranty

    Thanks for your interest. No, sorry, I do not have the factory equipment. Extras you get with the sale: - additional ignition key, including original stock key - Owner's manual - New oil filter - Rear view mirrors have been replaced with Gen 1 mirrors. You get both sets with purchase
  16. VmaxVboost

    2013 for sale, 3,000 miles, factory warranty

    Bump. Mileage = 5,100 Price still $11,900
  17. VmaxVboost

    2013 for sale, 3,000 miles, factory warranty

    Email address [email protected] No, I am not a dealer. That is a business email for me. Brian