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  1. 2fear

    3rd annual Traverse city ride.

    That sucks, it's sunny and warm here on the lakeshore. Just got back from a 50 mile test ride, stopped back home to make a couple of adjustments. Heading back out for some more riding now, see ya!
  2. 2fear

    this is it!

    Ok, for the official dumb question..... What are you raffling?:confused2:
  3. 2fear

    3rd annual Traverse city ride.

    The weather is still looking good for this Sunday, high 70's and sunny! Who plans on making this ride with us? We have me, Bill, Tom, Jeff, VmaxChuck and his buddy. I think John is planning on going and maybe VmaxMike. I'm hoping for a few more Grand Rapids boyz also.....
  4. 2fear

    Honest selling tactics.....

    Great stock exhaust sound :rofl_200:
  5. 2fear

    For Sean...ring gap question.

    You can email him for a quicker response @ [email protected]
  6. 2fear

    met 2 forum members

    Hell yeah! I have met so many riders in Michigan because of this site, we all hook up and ride several times a season now.
  7. 2fear

    3rd annual Traverse city ride.

    The weather is looking great!
  8. 2fear

    VMAX Vs. Deer

    I do my best to take out as many of them as I can during hunting season, glad you are all right man.
  9. 2fear

    3rd annual Traverse city ride.

    Sounds good Jeff, dinner in the Traverse city area......
  10. 2fear

    August 11 and 12th weekend race?

    Like a grandpa to you:rofl_200: From what I seen last weekend you need all the practice you can get at the strip before you come back to the west side.
  11. 2fear

    August 11 and 12th weekend race?

    A few of us will be doing a Traverse City ride on Sunday August 12th.
  12. 2fear

    Muskegon bike time hook up.

    Sheeeee, don't swat the bee's nest and get Mike going again :rofl_200:
  13. 2fear

    What do you do......

    I guess it depends on how much room and money you have, unfortunately I have little of both. So I sell or give it away to fellow Vmaxers in need.
  14. 2fear

    Welp, pulled the trigger today

    Nice ride man, welcome to the forum, enjoy your new ride!
  15. 2fear

    Muskegon bike time hook up.

    Ha, If a young lady on a 750 Shadow can hang with us I hope your buddy can :rofl_200: You know I will accommodate all riding styles on my rides Chuck, we just pick and chose when to open it up and play around, I would never leave a stop sign without all the bikes in check you know that. There...
  16. 2fear

    Muskegon bike time hook up.

    Ha, it's all about the night time downtown! That's when it gets real good...
  17. 2fear

    Muskegon bike time hook up.

    Caught on video at Bike Time, me and Wildman
  18. 2fear

    Muskegon bike time hook up.

    Thanks guys, that was a great turn out! We had 10 Vmaxes, 1 B-King, 1 YZF, and 1 Honda Shadow show up at my place. We went for a nice cool lake shore ride with 8 Vmaxes and the Honda Shadow (riding by my female co-worker friend) yeah that's right, she hung tough with 8 Vmaxes and loved it! We...