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  1. tugla

    1700 Master Cylinder Joint Broke

    Think there is a thread on starmax forum on this....have to look for it, think guy chg to another bike model piece for few bucks, guess better material or design.... This would be the second I've seen on the forums.
  2. tugla

    What main jets should I go with next???

    If you ever decide to get rid of the canadian needles I'd take them off your hands. Always wanted to try and set up a bike with them.....just curious see how they run.
  3. tugla

    Happy Birthday Mr. Morley

    Happy bday man, hope you are having great weekend celebrating.
  4. tugla

    shimming the needle

    If it needed based on your elevation then yes can be a fine tuning tool. You have to try it....get a plug read and see...
  5. tugla

    Fuel from needle jet at idle? WTH????

  6. tugla

    Gen 2 exhaust mufflers

    You got pictures? What make
  7. tugla

    Fuel from needle jet at idle? WTH????

    Danny is the fan just for light cruise speed or you got a 220 v hooked up to get the bike simulating v boost speeds hahah
  8. tugla

    Marks mufflers

    Thanks got the pm
  9. tugla

    Gen 2 Marks Exhaust

    Thanks for the links Danny. ... Have to come up with something.
  10. tugla

    Gen 2 Marks Exhaust

    Got a idea talking with brc the other day....wonder if I could fit 4 marks mufflers off a Gen 1 onto the Gen 2....need a y collector of some sort.
  11. tugla

    10second Vmax for $3800

    Is a tough market as I haven't been able to move my bikes at all in over a year...I'm even will and able to fly it about 1000 miles for someone and still no takers...can't give them away almost.
  12. tugla


    I bet it was fun.....
  13. tugla

    Stage 1? Stage 7? new owner confused!

    +1 , if you are stock exhaust you be better off re jetting and if need be a shim on the stock needles....
  14. tugla

    How do YOU guys arrange your tools?

    My tools for on the road I finial stopped just chucking them into a big bag...helps keep it organized and also if something is missing. Buddy has a laser machine to cut all the tool spots..can use a knife but that's not as cool as using lasers.
  15. tugla

    Bar End Mirrors

    Ya for sure round on the side works well and way ingot mine under neither is not on the way but is harder to see at a quick glance. Gonna have to try in a different position
  16. tugla

    Bar End Mirrors

    Only reason I'm trying to mount them under side is they are in my way to get my hands away....or move to wave to passing riders.
  17. tugla

    Bar End Mirrors

    These mirrors are very nice, vision is super clear, quality is awesome on these. The bar are down to a 7/8 at the grips but you should have a threaded insert to adapt the mirrors vs the ones you slid into the bar and they expand to hold into place. I'm playing around with how to mount them on...
  18. tugla

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Took her out for a ride...trying to control myself to get a fuel mileage far so good but rides not over yet hahaha....
  19. tugla

    VMAX running rich, stage1 kit

    For sure carb sync ( motion pro or Morgan carb tune tool ) Prob 150 will work as 152.5 are stock. You can put the stocks back in, check the sir fuel screws on how man turns out they are. Do you have the stock needles also? While in there I'd check all the jets that they are stock.
  20. tugla

    Proposed 25% Firearm Tax

    A trail of blood and bones leading to a decaying carcass. ....that kinda subtle Danny hahaha:rofl_200: