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  1. D-Max2012

    How to clean your gas cap

    Yes, I guess if the tank was corroded that bad to lock the cap in place,, it would not be worth saving. Whatever tank you replace it with, take the time to coat it.. I wish I had done mine sooner.. I would not have wasted over 1500 hours of carbs, tank, pump, and performance issues.
  2. D-Max2012

    How to clean your gas cap

    Wow.. That's extreme.. Anytime something with rubber is locked in place against a metal surface, I'd try the penetrating oil 1st.. If that didn't work, my next step would be to heat up the metal neck with a heat gun. Glad you got it off. I suspect the tank was being tossed out anyway?
  3. D-Max2012

    Starting problem

    Question, does the bike have a GPS, phone, or USB charge port? IF IT DOES: Check to make sure that the device is not connected to the battery directly. Easy way to see this is: Leave the key out of the bike, try to charge your phone (if you have a USB charge port) or operate the GPS when...
  4. D-Max2012

    Sunspot Nation Solar Observatory

    Sounds like a cover-up to me. Unknown authorities with helicopters and unmarked vans have been in and out of the area? Evacuate people, including the nearby post office, for some POS on the internet? IMHO,, that doesn't make sense. I guess with everyone having HD cameras on their cell...
  5. D-Max2012

    gen 1 turn signal bulb #

    Are you sure of this?? Maybe the previous owner changed them from stock setup?? 1157 has two filaments and offset locking pins. 1156 has one filament and matching pin locks. If your turning signals stay on, and glows brighter when turning, then I'd think you have an 1157 type bulb. If it only...
  6. D-Max2012

    new to me 85

    Looks great.. Enjoy the beast..
  7. D-Max2012

    Burt Reynolds - RIP

    He cracked me up in quite a few roles he's played.. The longest yard was too funny.. May he rest in peace -
  8. D-Max2012

    Starter noise 2000 vmax

    Well, that sound you posted, sounds like the same thing many of us have heard, when our starter clutch started acting up. My clutch was a little loose that day when I went riding. Note, it was tight enough for me to start the engine. Also, the brass-looking thick part of the clutch was not...
  9. D-Max2012

    1994 VMax Intermittent Surging Issue

    I had this stubborn hesitation between 4-5K. Did everything you can think of.. Even went as far as pulling my tank to coat the inside. Ethanol laced fuels, draws in water from the air, which causes rust to build up in the tank. TMALSS, I used Seafoam in my fuel. 1/2 bottle to each 4 gallons at...
  10. D-Max2012

    Starter noise 2000 vmax

    Still sounds like your starter clutch needs to be pulled and inspected. Looking at it from the outside doesn't show you how much it engages when the starter motor spins. That sound you posted, sounds like the same thing I dealt with. If you say the screws are still tight, and the peens did not...
  11. D-Max2012

    Boots For Riding

    This looks to be the same person that posted about the work boots the other day.
  12. D-Max2012

    Boots For Riding

    IMHO, shopping online for foot-ware for any reason, is a no, no for me. I have found too many same-brand, same make, same model shoe, at the local store, and when fitting them on, one might fit better than the other. So if I tried that via the computer, I can only image what I'd get.
  13. D-Max2012

    Miss when cold runs well when hot?

    Sorry for the long wind, but if this helps anyone, its worth the aching fingers, typing this up. I was beating my head against the wall trying to iron out a bad stumble I was having with my used 91. I literally tried every thing you can think of. Changed cracked boots, v-boost boots, needles...
  14. D-Max2012

    Miss when cold runs well when hot?

    Steve, I was thinking the same thing.. Gijoerambo posted that his runs like crap when cold. I was wondering if he's on choke while the bike warms up like the rest of us. He did not mention this. If WE tried to ride before the bike warms up a little, we all would be complaining about the same...
  15. D-Max2012

    Importance of Safety Boots

    Things that make you go Hummm? Join date - August of this year. Only 2 post, 1 on boots, 1 reply about boots. Profile says, Texas, but boot link is out of Australia. Profile says, Bike Black 2015.. Unless it was repainted, that's not the color of the 2015 IMHO,, it seems like someone thought...
  16. D-Max2012

    $10 Seat Shade

    That's a good idea, but it would have been better in white, to reflect the suns rays.. Good idea none the less..
  17. D-Max2012

    Starter noise 2000 vmax

    I used the Harbor Freight Wheel Puller set. For some reason, it only came with 2 of the needed 3 longer bolts, so I had to pick up another one from Lowes. Don't know who the f_ck thought that one up.. I used Harbor Freight heavy duty impact wrench to get the flywheel off.. It was...
  18. D-Max2012

    main stand.

    I used about $6.00 in quarters, jammed between the coils while extending the spring. As you take pressure off the spring, it keeps the length and just falls out of position. My real headache is trying to figure out how to remove the right bolt, past the muffler stand-off mount..
  19. D-Max2012

    Starter noise 2000 vmax

    That's the infamous "Box Of Rocks" sound when the three screws around the starter clutch are loose. Check out Sean Morley's videos below, on how to attack that issue. I took this a bit further and cleaned the new bolts and holes with acetone, before putting red Loctite. I also let the Loctite...
  20. D-Max2012

    Aretha Franklin - Queen of Soul

    May she rest in peace..