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  1. D-Max2012

    Solid State Hard Drive

    When I was working for my former company, they kept complaining about the 3 year old computers taking a long time to boot and operate. Also because they were running alot of calculations that R/W to/from the HDD. Along with a memory upgrade, I convinced them to purchase SSHD. The machines got...
  2. D-Max2012

    Watered-down fuel

    Ethanol is the culprit for water in your tank, carbs, and rust buildup inside a non-coated tank. I've found that one of the biggest problems is the amount of free air space left in a tank for an extended period of time. The more free volume for air, the more water molecules (in the air) can...
  3. D-Max2012

    Sealed Gen1 Fuel Tank

    Sealed Gen1 Gas Tank with KBS Gold Tank Sealer. Kill carb problems and rust, at the source. All the hard work and time is done for you. $160.00 buyer pays shipping. Cont. US Only. ; ; ;; ; ;
  4. D-Max2012

    85 V-Max sounds- not the good kind...

    Hello, Chewy Welcome to the forum. Just a little heads up. You're right. You might want to open your own thread about your issue. If you post your issue on another persons thread, you may not get answered. Not because no one cares, but it's difficult to answer multiple questions on a single...
  5. D-Max2012

    Spark plug soaked in fuel, stuck slider?

    Just from personal experience, AND if you have not done so already.. COAT YOUR TANK!!! Kill the problem at the source. It sucks when you pull the carbs and clean the hell out of them, only to have the same crap show up a few weeks or months later. I did my used 91. Even though the process...
  6. D-Max2012

    Hotter than usual

    A picture is worth a 1000 words. I would post a picture of your temp gauge, just to find out if it's normal or not.
  7. D-Max2012

    Bike dying.

    Here's my 2cents.. hope it helps you to iron out this issue. When my PU coil was showing its age, I could start the bike from a cold temp engine and it would fire up fine. When the temp gauge started to rise about 1/2 the way till the red zone, I noticed that the bike would not sound as smooth...
  8. D-Max2012

    Fuel issue

    Hook a hose up to the breather line on the top of the tank and see if you can blow air into it.. If it is blocked from gunk, it will cause vacuum tank pressure which will cause the carbs to starve for fuel.. You can also test this by simply taking off the gas cap, start the bike, then see if it...
  9. D-Max2012

    I have a aneurysm

    My prayers are with you man.. I pray that all works out well for you.. My cousin had an aneurysm in the mall over 30 years ago. She suddenly went blind, and passed out right in front of us. We got her to the hospital and to make a long story short, she's still alive today and doing just fine...
  10. D-Max2012

    Gas tank

    If you have your tanks' interior blasted, after a week or so, you'll be ready to kill that person that did it (LOL). Seriouly though.. It's got nothing to do with (if/when) the take was cleaned. Other than using Ethanol free fuel, each time you gas up (good luck finding that any more), the...
  11. D-Max2012

    Gas tank
  12. D-Max2012

    How to press the carbs block down

    Oh wow.. Never saw that one coming.. I'd guess that if you really needed that much pressure to get them on, then something is crimped or out of alignment with the boots. You'll see it when you have to take them back off.. Newer boots or warmed up and oiled ones, goes on with about 20-40 lbs of...
  13. D-Max2012

    Self Taught Rocket Scientist...

    For the sake of argument, lets play the IF game.. IF he doesn't kill himself on launch. IF he doesn't kill himself on landing with that cheesy parachute. If he can reach a high altitude without running out of air.. (I've been to Pikes Peak, which is over 14,000 ft, and its hard to breath up...
  14. D-Max2012

    Strong smell of petrol after running.

    Same thing happened to me on the way to work one day.. Took off the airbox and found one of my overflow tubes leaking gas. Once I got to work, tapped on that carb with a rubber hammer handle to temporarily stop the leak so I could get home. I had to order a set of Yamaha Float Needles from Ebay...
  15. D-Max2012

    Turn signal lenses

    This is what that item number brings you too on Ebay.
  16. D-Max2012

    Pick Up Coil

    Here's another option.. I put one of these in last summer, after my loose clutch back-plate blew apart after a high rev. A piece of metal flew into the pulser pickup coil and knocked it off its housing and away from the flywheel magnet, which of course left me stranded. Oh well.. You live and...
  17. D-Max2012

    Which wires on stock headlight are hi/lo/ground?

    +1 on that.. For the 1st few months after getting my used 91, I tried working with just the downloaded manuals from the internet. It helped, but some research was somewhat confusing, because some documents were for specific years only. Wiring diagrams were scanned in black and white and...
  18. D-Max2012

    Great deal on saddlebags

    $112.00 off regular price.. Savvy shopper :eusa_dance: let us know what mods you had to do, to get them mounted, with pics..
  19. D-Max2012

    Great deal on saddlebags

    I guess, someone found the error in pricing when the 1st order came in.. I wonder if they honored the mistake??
  20. D-Max2012

    Cold Starting

    Have them clean the bolts threads and thread holes with acetone 1st,, then red locktite, then peen the bolt ends into the flywheel. I did mine about 3-4 months ago now.. I actually let the locktite setup for 24 hours before peening the bolts.. Just to make sure the bolt didn't shift at all...