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  1. D

    Pictures and updates!

    Hahah, it's actually a thin layer and easy to wipe off, so I would guess a very heavy dust build up :punk: Fire! Do you have a PCW motor? How much can I expect that whole makeover to cost after my stock one blows up?
  2. D

    Pictures and updates!

    Thanks for the support! There was a lotttttt more than a spec of stuff in those float bowl caps, so I have basically decided I have to clean those out next weekend. Throughout the week I'm going to put the new battery in and replace the spark plugs Cleaning the jets and AP will be for...
  3. D

    Pictures and updates!

    So here are the pictures... As you may see, the fuel pump is in front of the battery.. I don't believe that's stock The old fuel filter was literally made of rust on the inside so I got a new NAPA 3011 and drained the carb bowls (bowl bolts had a nice 1/8th inch...
  4. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    Sorry I haven't gotten the chance to call you, I've been really busy and I got a cold from riding in the snow haha I'll try to call you sometime this weekend! And I am going to replace the fuel filters today. Maybe fuel lines as well if I can find some.
  5. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    Yea I'm considering trading these for a Morley's set up with Vboost. I need to get the electric and fuel pump/filter/lines dealt with first, though.
  6. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    It falls on its face from slowly rolling at 4k, nothing close to wot. I will change the spark plugs this weekend along with the new apex battery that should be on the way. What size drill bit should I use with a 1k rpm idle? If I had to guess I'd say the slide shows an 1/8th inch gap...
  7. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    Where can I find the tank vent? I suspect that afree fuel delivery is dealt with things will get much much better. There are many times when it will run flawlessly (when I first hop on the road) but then things go downhill. What I don't think the fuel delivery will fix is the fact that I can...
  8. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    I would bring it there (appreciate the recommendation) but I'm barely affording the parts I need right now haha, so I'll take it on myself. Poor college student mentality haha I wish I could convince my dad or popop to come help, both are master mechanics but they don't have much interest in...
  9. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    Thanks for all the input, guys. I really appreciate it. As for the battery, I have an Apex on the way! Hahaha. As for the carbs, if I had to guess I'd also say the main problem is that they're going empty. Though once I fix that I'm sure they will need adjusting. As for the floats, I don't...
  10. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    I really would like to but I'm not sure I can disassemble everything correctly or in a short enough amount of time that I won't be left without transportation during the swap. It also sounds like the problem is probably getting fuel to the bowls now too, so I'm going to try and solve this...
  11. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    I think you're right about the carbs. And haha it's my only transportation right now so I'm stuck with it :p I had to ride in rain and snow the other night
  12. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    Can you elaborate on this? How do I troubleshoot? I just re-confirmed, it shuts down after riding a certain amount of time (about a mile or two) then needs to sit and wait for a few mins to start again
  13. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    Also, just brought it out for a late night ride and realized that there is a connection between how hard I run it vs how long till it stalls. It all makes sense. If I flog it at 7k for a quarter mile it will run perfectly for 100 yards or so then decline in rpm and die. On the contrary, it...
  14. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    I was within seconds of accepting Sean's generous offer but I ended up thinking I was up for the challenge. Part of me wants to keep these cabs for 135 potential hp and ram air (pointless but cool) and the possibility of buying a 1500 motor when mine blows up one day. BUT realistically I...
  15. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    Thanks for the tip! I might try that. Update after more troubleshooting: - If I start her up for a minute and rev it between 1-3k, then shut her off, I can twist the throttle to all the way open and see white fumes coming out of all four velocity stacks - Also, sometimes when I rev to...
  16. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    No problem man, thanks for the help anyway :punk:
  17. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    No air box, velocity stacks - 2 on left, 2 on right
  18. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    They are the 39mm Keihin, but I think that is a type of FCR downdraft carb (might be wrong here) And I called up UFO (finally got a hold of them awhile ago) and he told me some suggestions, but it's still happening.
  19. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    Is that also the case for the Vgas FCR carbs? Because I believe these have an air screw on the front and a fuel screw towards the back of the bottom of the float bowls. Is there a precise way to check sync besides looking at them? How can I adjust it on the vgas carbs? Thanks for all the...
  20. D

    Das nightmare has returned lol

    2 turns out on the air screw for the fcr carbs? I'll give that a try tonight and see what happens! As for the spark plugs, will do. Any hint on which page I can find them on? My pc is really slow at loading the pdf for some reason I'd hate to get in someone's way asking them to come help, but...