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  1. Shuriken

    Understanding the CV carburetor pilot circuit / idle mix circuit

    This works pretty good for me on all my small engines, mowers, carts, etc. The wear and tear on the float bowls, rubber manifolds, and carb cable block from frequent removals and re-installations also can become an issue.
  2. Shuriken

    Understanding the CV carburetor pilot circuit / idle mix circuit

    I am still fiddling with the 85 and the 02 carbs. Both run really good but I think I'm not done tuning for 5700ft. They both smell too rich but the plugs look great.
  3. Shuriken

    Understanding the CV carburetor pilot circuit / idle mix circuit

    I've made the mistake multiple times of not running the bike for too long. We're having another drought winter and have had t-shirt weather so far. It was 25f this morning but it has been in the 40s and 50s for months. This is balmy for this time of year, so I've been riding or starting and...
  4. Shuriken

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Whoa! Is that designed to pair with oem configuration of pipes and jetting? Looks very high airflow.
  5. Shuriken

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Replaced middle and rear seat covers on the 02. Washed and waxed the 85 and the 02. Test rode both. Both are running great.
  6. Shuriken

    V-Max Speed Wobble (ran it up to 115mph and...)

    I haven't had the luxury of multiple rear shocks but I would not be opposed to trying a set of 1 inch lower rear suspension on the 02. I'm finished working on the 85 for the time being, though. The 02 has seen 130 indicated and on GPS but a rider cannot get there tucked in. The wind exposure...
  7. Shuriken

    V-Max Speed Wobble (ran it up to 115mph and...)

    The Givi is a nice screen. I think it looks the best among the aftermarket screens. That's what I have right now.
  8. Shuriken

    Hard to find neutral, when bike heats up???

    Right? Yeah, it's behaving more typically as expected now. Very happy about that!
  9. Shuriken

    Carburetor differences! Understanding the changes...

    Thanks for sending those pics. That bike is beautiful. Is that a C model?
  10. Shuriken

    Carburetor differences! Understanding the changes...

    Welp... This is the reason for this whole thread... the PO of the bike I recently acquired stripped one of the mix screws and the replacement carb is different. The throttle plate openings on the ones I have are stamped the same, fortunately. That cast tube passageway under the jet block on...
  11. Shuriken

    Plug chop test results...

    Had the last good weather day today and took advantage. The bike feels like it has enough to easily see 140 but I won't take it there. Plug chop today looks about the same. I'll have to buy a new set of plugs to make sure but may be out of season, now. Funny thing is the plugs look good but it...
  12. Shuriken

    V-Max Speed Wobble (ran it up to 115mph and...)

    So... after many test runs to end the season, the 2002 model will weave as well, also around 115 and above. It feels reasonably safe and stable at all speeds below the magic 115, which is perfectly reasonable and works just fine for average and spirited riding, or 95% of conditions. It just...
  13. Shuriken

    Plug chop test results...

    Haven't had time to do a fine, fine tuning of idle mix or to do a proper plug chop at all circuits yet, but these indicate the mix as I idled the bike back into the garage after last night's ride. So this should be the idle mix condition. I will try to test mid and full as well as mpg if I can...
  14. Shuriken

    Carburetor differences! Understanding the changes...

    Interesting. Thanks for posting. I have read that the C models had an extra port or something similar for extra emissions control. Someone can clarify. Can you take a pic of your carbs from the left leg side? I think it is probably a design change based on year rather than C model though. I...
  15. Shuriken

    Plug chop test results...

    Installed 42.5 fuel pilots. Mains are still 150 while waiting for others to show. Also waiting for small round 95 jets for pilot air. Reassembled and tested and I think the idle and mid feel stronger. I don't hear any airbox burping or popping. I ran out of daylight so can't plug chop but maybe...
  16. Shuriken

    Carburetor differences! Understanding the changes...

    I hope not! As far as I know, my 02 is not the C model.
  17. Shuriken

    Carburetor differences! Understanding the changes...

    My picture shows 2 carburetors side by side. The one on the left is from my 2002. The one on the right is from an unknown year. Notice the R5 ID on the casting as well as the different internal tunnel length difference. What was Yamaha doing here and is it ok to interchange?
  18. Shuriken

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Aha... I spy some good lighting. I'll make sure to use good lights the next time I paint! Haven't used PPG yet. I've used HOK paint before. Man, I loved that stuff....
  19. Shuriken

    Paint. Experts chime in please

    I also spy different fuel delivery.... methinks that bike might not just look more modern but that it also is likely very fast...