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  1. acammer

    Raced my 94 last night

    Yea, with just a little practice, I have gotten myself where I can pull off pretty good launches on the street. I typical only have to fight the front end down, I hook up solid pretty consistently. My street launch rpm is about 6000, quick but smooth clutch release - and a quick but smooth...
  2. acammer

    Raced my 94 last night

    If your almost knocking down 11's on a 1.9 60' you'll have them for sure with a better launch... us bigger guys (I am 260 ish) have a much better ability for hooking and keeping the front end planted.
  3. acammer's for sale

    RaWarrior - your commentary all makes perfect sense to me... it's not about "the nostalgia, or the logo on the tank, or to achieve an image. I ride for fun, and fun comes from performance." Man, that sums it up for me. I bought the Max thinking it would get me pretty much where I wanted to be...
  4. acammer

    HP question.... street vs cruiser

    There are several local gentleman sportbikers in my little city that are afraid of Mr. Max and won't race him anymore, due to exactly what SpecOps describes. The Max really has a natural talent to leave the line hard and stronger than almost anything, certainly anything that isn't launched...
  5. acammer

    HP question.... street vs cruiser

    Re: HP question.... street vs cruser Agreed... he'll hand it to you, from 60mph roll. From a stop is where the Max shines, street racing demon if there ever was. If you lose to a liter bike or 600 from a stop up thru the first 2 gears, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
  6. acammer

    '88 max kicking out of gear

    +1 for the Rotella T 15-40 - holding up well in my max.
  7. acammer

    Wow, the Vmax sure eats tires. Cost of doing business with the sport bikes...

    I think there is probably a pretty good cause and effect lesson here... the launching has caused the wear, and the thread about tires. And you'll notice we haven't had a word about tire recommendations, thoughts on the K525, the ME880, and others. Well, SpecOps did give a nod toward the...
  8. acammer

    Wow, the Vmax sure eats tires. Cost of doing business with the sport bikes...

    Launching Mr. Max isn't too bad... for all out I hold about 6000rpm, left foot on the foot peg, right foot supporting the bike nice and straight up. I sit in the middle of the seat, but with lean forwards. When the green drops, I get off that clutch pretty quick (not the same as dumping it...
  9. acammer

    Demo ride reports!

    See, that's always been interesting, I hear so many of you guys talking about how the Vmax will put the tire up in smoke... if my Max is going to do something, it'll pull that front wheel up off the ground and hang it there. I can get a burnout going if I get up on the tank, but normal riding...
  10. acammer

    Wow, the Vmax sure eats tires. Cost of doing business with the sport bikes...

    I was giving Mr. Max the once over before my ride into work this morning, and I notice just how much I've work that OEM Dunlop K525 in the 1500 miles I've put on the bike since buying it this winter. When I bought it, I had a decent amount of depth to that center groove. At this point, it just...
  11. acammer

    Demo ride reports!

    Yea, I have a 1200 Sportster. Well, I technically own it, a good friend actually has it, rides it, cares for it, I just have it titled to me - a group of friends bought it for him (it's what he wanted) when he was going through a divorce. Once you've experienced any kind of bike with some...
  12. acammer


    That really blows, I feel ya on that one. I had to put down my 14 year old life long companion this winter. He had done so good for so long, then began a rapid deteriorate that resulted in him being completely immobile - I had to carry him right to the table, and shed a few tears along with...
  13. acammer

    Almost flipped my Vmax

    The thing to do is not just slam the throttle shut, but just dial it back enough to get things back under control. You lighter weight guys lack the amount of counter weight a heavy fella (like myself) can move around to more drastically alter balance. I can hook good from a stop, and then...
  14. acammer

    Supertrapps and the discs

    The supertrapps are pretty loud, I have them about as loud as they are going to get with 5 discs and open caps, at 80mph for an extended time they will wear on you. They are not unreasonable at lower revs/light throttle, but just cruising anywhere north of 3000rpm is pretty loud... keeps the...
  15. acammer

    Pilot circuit mixture screw adjustments, tempurature relation...

    I have seen something to that effect. I am going to seafoam it tomorrow to see if I can get it to where I am satisfied. If not, we will see about next step. You are dead right about the ignition as well, I need to dial that back to curve 3, I reread the book and it does suggest curve 4 and...
  16. acammer

    Pilot circuit mixture screw adjustments, tempurature relation...

    Update: Left side carbs, easily adjusted, fortunately this was mostly the offending side. I was able to get a more stable idle from both cylinders, where as before the right side, 1 cylinder in particular, wanted to do most of the thumping at idle. The right side mixture screws, appear to...
  17. acammer

    Pilot circuit mixture screw adjustments, tempurature relation...

    I would think this would result in some hard starting, and be prevelant at the cooler temps. I may go ahead and drop in some new spark plugs, I may find some clues there as well.
  18. acammer

    Pilot circuit mixture screw adjustments, tempurature relation...

    I did the carb drain when I did the pea shooter a few weeks ago, fuel looked good. If the screws will come out I will try a partial shot-gun while I am at it tonight. If they were gummed through, I think I'd be leaning, not going rich. If this was a lean condition, it ought to be at its worst...
  19. acammer

    Pilot circuit mixture screw adjustments, tempurature relation...

    Hey guys. I have been riding the VMax since March of this year, after buying the bike in January. Bike has run very well, starts great, excellent power. I have noticed some drivability issues in the pilot circuit that have become markedly worse as the temperatures have climbing above 90*...
  20. acammer

    Supertrapps and the discs

    Agreed, I get 40 mpg or better with my open capped trapps, stone stock intake track. Something sounds weird with that. I can get under 40, if I hammer it the entire time, to the point were my shoulders are sore from hanging on. But barring that type of riding, something is definitely off.